Indian army

  • An army veteran has committed suicide and this has brought into focus the great divide that exists between reality and rhetoric. this was something bound to happen after what we saw when the Police in 2015 stormed the Jantar Mantar and manhandled ex-servicemen who were conducting a peaceful

  • Two quotations from two different leaders with diverse backgrounds are worth quoting. There is firstly, the famous quote by Mao tse Tung  that echoes around the world" Political power comes out of the barrel of a gun". The second is the more recent one

  • The incident which I am about to relate happened in the last year of my service. I had been to Chandimandir, the Headquarters of the Army Western Command. I came to know that a Court of Inquiry was being conducted about some acts of moral turpitude by soldiers of the Indian army in Congo. I

  • The Indian armed forces, more particularly the army have a long history of valor and bravery. The present Indian army traces it's lineage to the days of the British Raj, represented first by the East India Company and later by the British crown. The Indian army has no connection with earlier

  • Hitler is a much reviled character in the West and Russia. In India many looked up to Hitler to free India during the war days.. My grandfather used to tell me that he and his friends would secretly listen to Nazi radio broadcasts beamed to india, as at that time listening to German radio was a

  • Top 5 Reasons Which Will Make You Proud Of INDIA 

    By- Surya Pratap


     INDIA is well known for its prosperity and large diversity. But also here are
