
  • Each and every living being on this planet requires security, protection; safety etc. like them, man needs such fundamental necessities also. Therefore, a very relevant question creep into our mind, how can they acquire them? Generally a home is defined as a place which is filled and surrounded

  • Introduction

    It is perhaps to be universally accepted that no man is born whole, or perfect. He must be having some handicap, physical or mental problem. Handicap actually means shortage of something from the very birth in the body or the defects found in the body. Even doctors hold

  • Pundit at last became a cow-boy. He was the only son of his father. He had entered the ‘pathshala’ with Atanu who was the son of a headmaster. Atanu was intelligent and he cleared the class examinations with distinction. But Pundit was very dull. He could somehow reach class three. His father

  • The severe tremor shook us at early dawn. When I woke up I felt a strange sensation. There was an unusual silence, a queer quiescence in nature. There was no noise or activity of the birds. The earthquake came with a fearful subterranean underground sound. Under the feet the earth shook in

  • The premise of the above topic has assumed today a universal significance, which has never been so in the history of human civilization. My doctor uncle had once said that a man of sound health becomes aware of part of his body only when that part ails. In other words, he becomes conscious of

  • The discovery that appears to be the most helpful in human progress and civilization, is the round object called the wheel. It, perhaps, belongs to the neo-lithic or the new Stone Age. 

    During its initial stages it must have revolutionized the life-style of mankind. Before it

  • Cyber cafes and cell phones are the two mind-boggling asserts of the modern age. India’s status as a nation is nondescript; neither a developing nor a ‘developed’ country. In such a fluid condition when the poor are getting poorer and vice-versa, she mounts the bandwagon of a nation fitted with

  • ‘Government of the people, by the people’ – this is a patent and ubiquitous definition of democracy. The other two alternative forms of equal universal validity are oligarchy and aristocracy. Of the three, democracy is by far the best and most popular, although it is not an unmixed

  • Introduction 

    For some time I have been dreaming to raise funds for a new swimming pool in our school. This programme can easily be regarded as a challenging assignment. And one may find some exciting things for accomplishing such a programme.

    Ideas for establishing a

  • hello friends let me start from new, please forget everything which i did in the past, sorry to admin and sorry to moderator please let me start as a new member.

  • Hobby plays an important role in our life. It even makes one a complete man. But most people do not know how to utilize their leisure period. They often spend their leisure in wondering what to do. Again the others spend smoking, eating, watching television or gossiping while there are also

  • R

    Human resource utilization cannot be put in a formula of output versus input as the individual highly complex and interpersonal relationship still more complex besides the group dynamics and organizational ideology. Therefore, the need of the time and the challenge before the manager

  • Education is the backbone of a nation. Without education a nation can never stand. So illiteracy is a curse in the life of a nation. A nation is often called backward if it consists of most illiterate fellows.

    In the Middle Ages ability to read and write was not so highly valued. But

  • Introduction

    In our society we often see the divisions among people. The rich and wealthy dominate the poor. We often forget that all men are equal. Each and every one has the right to live freely and equally. They have rights to use all the natural resources. But

  • Leisure time may be a problem with some but it is not so with me. I read in a book that Churchill painted during leisure hours. I feel attracted when I see some interesting handicraft piece anywhere. I feel curious to know how it was done.

    Daily routine of studies and household duties

  • “Joy and woe are woven fine

    A texture for the theme divine”

    These lines of the great English mystic poet William Blake would serve as an appropriate beginning of the article. Life is indeed an adventure. Adventure tacitly

  • The topic is almost a platitude today. Its basic concept cannot be denied and in the present day context the equality of status between the two genders is no longer a debatable issue. On the contrary aggression, presumptuous behaviour among women sometimes overawes society. One feels that the

  • It is not any imaginary event that I am going to narrate. In actual fact, my father once gave me this poser that I could wish for anything, except money. My demand indeed put him at bay for the least expected it; but thereby hangs a tale, as says Shakespeare.

    My uncle is an English

  • I agree that it is wrong to tutor children to tell truth. There is an English proverb that one example is far better than hundred precepts. Children are in general very intelligent. They have a great power of observation and their feelings are deep rooted. Only they cannot express it. They

  • Im unable to submit quotes can anyone tell me what could be wrong

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