It is perhaps to be universally accepted that no man is born whole, or perfect. He must be having some handicap, physical or mental problem. Handicap actually means shortage of something from the very birth in the body or the defects found in the body. Even doctors hold that such handicap patients do not find their lives as difficult and insuperable as other think. Many people think that they can never be able to overcome from their situation but it is fully a wrong perception which mostly people have in their mind, they overcome very well and fight with the life very handsomely. The blind, the short-legged or the dumb carry on in life in a manner sometimes, as would cause envy in the luckier class of man. The blind and the dumb have sometimes beaten their rivals in exams and other kinds of tests.
Physical handicapped
However, science today has equally made up the loss of such persons by providing them with aids. In addition there goes a psychological theory that a person deficient in one faculty enjoys an over plus in other faculties. Nature restores his imbalance by lending some additional power to his other faculty. Those born deficient are seen everyday fighting their life battle with energy and boldly. But even those who had loss their organ in their war or disease are seen to have good confidence and fight with their life by dint of their strong will. I have seen army jawans that are physically injured. Some has lost his one leg, others their arm. They surmount their physical handicap; they even play with one hand or one leg. A patient whose right is paralysed develops his own technique in tying and untying the laces of his shoe and boot. In my area a child was born whose four limbs were found locked into one another. The child was otherwise, lovely. Apart from suggesting medicine the great child specialist advised some physiotherapy. The boy’s urging to survive or say, his vital energy was so powerful that in a couple of months he adjusted himself to the therapy as a natural habit. The methods and modes were no longer anything like a medical feat with him; they became a part of his being. Thus the will to live or prosper, what in actual speaking the living energy in a person, provides both the strength and intelligence to set at naught the physical disabilities.
Mentally handicapped
Even in cases of mental handicap, the affected persons have been able to compensate through their contact with good psychiatrists. There are many psychiatry centres which had cured many such patients who were mentally handicapped. In such cases, however, the problem is relatively more acute as well as delicate. To put or instil confidence or self-reliance in a mentally deficient person is not so easy or it is not an ordinary work. In cases of physical handicap the remedial suggestions are promptly accepted: if the patient mentally feels or experiences improvement. But in mental cases the task calls for greater caution and patience, because the patient understands faculty itself is affected. But still great mental doctors and psychologists have surmounted this difficulty with credit.
As such I hold that unless the patient cooperates and shows determination, the problem cannot be solved. And I think that to solve any problem in human body, only one thing is needed and that is determination.