
  • It's true joke is a form of entertainment and also acts as a good medicine to our mental ailments. Very often our simple jokes may backfire us because of bad timing or the person at other end may not be humorous as we expect. Have you ever faced such experiences in life? Was you able to handle

  • Hello everyone, hope you guys are doing well. I am here to give you a free advice start developing a habit of charging your Mobile phone , "Monsoon" is coming, it's not fictional thing like GOT but it's horrible as same as fictional. 

    Since our childhood we faced this demon which

  • I am planning to read 200-300 articles every day on Buddunan, Please let me know if any of the members of this great community has any objection?

    The reason- I wish to  stay among the top 5 on the weekly leader board. I hope you know what I mean guys.