
  • Publisher: Book Faith India

    Genre: Literature/Fiction

    Price: Rs.195

    Rating: 8/10


    In this ever changing world of today, something remains the same. That constant thing is spending time, reading, enjoying and journeying with a great book. A great

  • Colleen Hoover

    Colleen Hoover is an American author who is a writer of the genre classified as Young Adult fiction. This genre of books appeals to a wide audience from young teens to older people. Colleen Hoover is a young American. She was born in

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    I was amazed by the experience of fast cars. My friend was perfect on the car. Drifting and spinning his car at top speed was so easy for him.

    I asked my dad if I could learn

  • Hey all!

    I am new to this site. Hoping to have a fun, engaging and SEO friendly journey ahead (haha)! 

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  • The poet Robert Southey states that books are his "never-failing friends". In fact, books are the best friends a man can have. They are always available to us. If we have the habit of reading, we can understand how intimate can our relationships be with books.

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  • We aim to study hard, get success and live a life trying to achieve everything we yearn for. However, the question that is always ignored is "What Education Is?". People often relate it to what we always learn through books, strictly speaking, the text or the course books. The primary focus of

  • I have a website of motivational quotations in & I would like to make it into a Book, but I am not aware of the process, time & finances involved to take this idea further, can anybody help with their

  • What is your favorite book? I would like to know which book is your favorite. Everyone has a favorite book that he or she love to read. My favorite is a fiction novel,  Sons of fortune by Jeffrey Archer. I really like to read it as many times as possible.