
  • Nowadays some people believe that cats are nicer than dogs. They are comparatively cheaper than dogs and

  • "Winter is here, Why do u fear? 

    We are not going to fall sick, dear"

    My mother told me with a smile assuring, 

    But i knew that the cold was all consuming

    "What if I catch cold, mum? 

    How can I play then on the muddy swamp? "


  • Introduction 

    People generally want to satisfy their interests in various ways. They often lack scientific understanding as to their ways selected as the means of fulfilment of their desires. Public and street performances using different animals are the notable

  • ASPIRIN tablets can remove acne and pimples problems, know it's all benefits

    Sometimes, being exposed to dust for a long time, causes dirt on our skin, causing pimples and acne on our skin. Many girls use a lot of beauty products to overcome these problems, but using these beauty

  • Cow slaughter is a contentious subject in India. Mainly because the Hindu religion prohibits a devout Hindu from eating beef. in addition the cow is  considered a holy animal and given a high position in Hindu religious thought. But one fact does stand out and that is despite the Hindu

  • Recently Indian army made headlines about mysterious huge foot prints in Himalayas They came up with three pictures of foot prints as proof of evidence What did they find? Why it went viral? Whose foot prints they belong to? Its all a mystery to be unfolded soon.Yes, this article is about

  • Human and Nature

    Humans are the greatest creation of nature and now humans dominate the world over nature without their permission and destroy all other creations of nature. There is no rule for destroying creation in nature's book but there is

  • Sheela, one of my friends, is a very gentle and peace loving person. The only occasions I find her in a foul mood is when she hears the sounds of young boys and girls speeding in a bike. She is not alone. Many of us also ends up getting irritated whenever we come across these youngsters in

  • Recently our government has released ‘All India Tiger Estimation Result’ 2019 with the census of tigers till 2018. According to the survey India has the largest number of Tigers in the world with the number reaching almost to 3000. 

    Second country is Russia with tiger number only

  • With over 2.5 billion dynamic clients in 190 nations, Android is the most famous working framework on the planet. Since its origin, Android has filled in prevalence many years. Through its prominence in arising countries, Android has kept on growing at an incredible rate in India. The

  • Till the sixties of the last century Abu Dhabi was a barren piece of land on the edge of the great Arabian Desert. The discovery of oil changed all that and now Abu Dhabi is one of the countries in the world with the highest per capita income. This oil boom had other effects also and resulted
