Submitted by MC
Category: Miscellaneous
Published 30 November -0001
Created 28 December 2009
Last modified 28 December 2009
Its second time Shashi tharoor is in spotlight because of twitter.First it was cattle class and now its about visa rules.So do you think its good for him to use twitter?.Some say, it gives more transparency and everyone in pubilc life must use facilities like twitter.please give your view in comments.
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[{"id":14304,"title":"Yes.Shashi tharoor must continue using twitter.","votes":22,"type":"x","order":0,"pct":55,"resources":[]},{"id":14305,"title":"No.Shashi tharoor must stop using twitter.","votes":12,"type":"x","order":0,"pct":30,"resources":[]},{"id":14306,"title":"No comments\/cant say","votes":6,"type":"x","order":0,"pct":15,"resources":[]}] ["#ff5b00","#4ac0f2","#b80028","#eef66c","#60bb22","#b96a9a","#62c2cc"] ["rgba(255,91,0,0.7)","rgba(74,192,242,0.7)","rgba(184,0,40,0.7)","rgba(238,246,108,0.7)","rgba(96,187,34,0.7)","rgba(185,106,154,0.7)","rgba(98,194,204,0.7)"] 350