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[{"id":8428,"title":"For your unemployed brother - He has got an offer for which he has to pay deposit of Rs.10,000.Otherwise he will not get the job","votes":13,"type":"x","order":0,"pct":37.14,"resources":[]},{"id":8429,"title":"For your son - After so much of effort you got admission for him in a good school and they need deposit of Rs.10,000","votes":13,"type":"x","order":0,"pct":37.14,"resources":[]},{"id":8430,"title":"For you mother - She has problem in her eye sight.Operation needs Rs.10,000. But it has only 50-50 chances of getting the eye sight back","votes":9,"type":"x","order":0,"pct":25.71,"resources":[]}] ["#ff5b00","#4ac0f2","#b80028","#eef66c","#60bb22","#b96a9a","#62c2cc"] ["rgba(255,91,0,0.7)","rgba(74,192,242,0.7)","rgba(184,0,40,0.7)","rgba(238,246,108,0.7)","rgba(96,187,34,0.7)","rgba(185,106,154,0.7)","rgba(98,194,204,0.7)"] 350
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