Submitted by Anand Babu
Category: Current Affairs
Published 30 November -0001
Created 04 December 2009
Last modified 04 December 2009
With the US decision to send 30,000 more troops to Afganistan will they be able to completely fight back terrorists there....?
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[{"id":12096,"title":"Yes, Finally Al-Queda will be defeated","votes":42,"type":"x","order":0,"pct":73.68,"resources":[]},{"id":12097,"title":"No, It's a difficult task..","votes":15,"type":"x","order":0,"pct":26.32,"resources":[]}] ["#ff5b00","#4ac0f2","#b80028","#eef66c","#60bb22","#b96a9a","#62c2cc"] ["rgba(255,91,0,0.7)","rgba(74,192,242,0.7)","rgba(184,0,40,0.7)","rgba(238,246,108,0.7)","rgba(96,187,34,0.7)","rgba(185,106,154,0.7)","rgba(98,194,204,0.7)"] 350
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