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15 years ago
Why web links section is not working in boddunan.com. Is it temporarily suspended or permanently taken out.
If it is canceled once for all why don't you remove that option from the site?
Guru S Shivaa
If it is canceled once for all why don't you remove that option from the site?
Guru S Shivaa
15 years ago
Web link section is no more active.
You are right it should be removed .
Web link section is no more active.
You are right it should be removed .
Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
15 years ago
"Rejected. Please write Code in code tag"
this is what I got for an article.
code tag means <code> </code> isn't it.
some one please help
this is what I got for an article.
code tag means <code> </code> isn't it.
some one please help
15 years ago
Have you added any programing code in your article..???
If yes, put your code in pre tag..
It is also given in your text editor..
Hope this information will be helpful to you.
Have you added any programing code in your article..???
If yes, put your code in pre tag..
It is also given in your text editor..
Hope this information will be helpful to you.
Aastha Gupta
15 years ago
Can the image size be alligned while submitting for an article or forum?
I couldnt do it previously... :(
I couldnt do it previously... :(
15 years ago
For an article , I think you can just center it or right allign it by rightclicking on image and selecting the option. For forum, I am not sure..
15 years ago
Thanks sridevi for answering..but i want to know whether a big image can be made small just by dragging from all sides???
15 years ago
I think so in articles I have seen many oversized images too. So this feature of cropping images to right size is absent in article section.
15 years ago
yes Jayen...i culdnt do it for one of my article...so i had to resize it in Paint..
15 years ago
You can right click on the image and change the properties.
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
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