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A mother killed her 12-year old son as he opposed her illegal affair with another man. She was arrested while her lover is still missing.
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Its very bad news
Now this poem is false here

Poot Kapoot suna par na mata Suni kumata..........................

Santosh Kumar Singh


How a mother can do it? Where is our country going then?Many such terrible news coming out.

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Love is really blind..
This has been proved by this stupid mother. She has killed her own son, because of her love.. :angry: This is really terrible.
She is not able to be called as mother. She is really insane.

Her boyfriend should also be caught and prisoned.

Aastha Gupta
This happens when someone comes from a weak value system and is not able to control life. Its better to ignore such news.

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It is a very bad news. I didn't understand how a mother can do such things!!!

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It is very unfortunate incidence.. A mother can kill her son...unbelievable ...disgusting...

Such kinds of news are coming from all around...

"Where is morality...?? Is it died...??" :unsure:

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Oh! Father killing daughter..... Mother killing son!!!!

What a fate!!!! Where is humanity and love towards own kids???????????

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Yes indeed it is bad news..people are forgetting relationship as greedness and affairs are becoming more important for them..There is no surprise to hear news that a son can kill his mother or daughter can kill father in the near future. One of the big culprit is Money and next sexual desire which makes humans to behave like animals...
I feel sick to my stomach to know this! We are,indeed,living in a very dangerous and decadent times!
This is very bad but not so uncommon. The illicit love blinds so much that any obstacle is intolerable. As the poor boy was obstacle to his mother's love, he got killed. The law is taking its course.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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