actor-politician Jaya Bachchan, In a protest march in Mumbai to mourn the death of 23-year-old paramedical student in Singapore said, "It was a collective failure. Whatever actions were taken were late actions"
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I don't agree I feel it was very difficult to save the life of that girl. It was her strong will that she fought with the life for 10 days otherwise I think the normal person would have died so early unlike her. :blink:
actor-politician Jaya Bachchan, In a protest march in Mumbai to mourn the death of 23-year-old paramedical student in Singapore said, "It was a collective failure. Whatever actions were taken were late actions"

Jay Bachhan also became very emotional for the second time about this issue and I am sure that personally she was very affected by it.But the statement she made was not practical, other than late action, she also said " we will see that such thing will never happen again - how is she going to do that? I am sure her feelings are very genuine but individually one can do only so much !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

There are so many versions on that particular point of sending the girl to Singapore. I fail to understand the reason as why to Singapore? How is Singapore better to take that risk for that serious a patient to take her out of country, that too where there were no facilities.

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There are so many versions on that particular point of sending the girl to Singapore. I fail to understand the reason as why to Singapore? How is Singapore better to take that risk for that serious a patient to take her out of country, that too where there were no facilities.

Yes a few doctors questioned the air worthiness of the the patient
I think they knew it that she was not going to survive so flew her out of country to reduce the impact.

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Yes what @sunil has specified must be the reason I too felt when the condition was so critical why should they experiment by taking her to Singapore. :(

The fire of all these politicians will stay for sometime actions or solution to the problem. Lot of debates and suggestions are going on the issue of security in Delhi for women.. But no solution found. :huh:
Yes what @sunil has specified must be the reason I too felt when the condition was so critical why should they experiment by taking her to Singapore. :(

The fire of all these politicians will stay for sometime actions or solution to the problem. Lot of debates and suggestions are going on the issue of security in Delhi for women.. But no solution found. :huh:

That's where lies the specialty of a politician. He delivers speeches not the goods.
Yes what @sunil has specified must be the reason I too felt when the condition was so critical why should they experiment by taking her to Singapore. :(

The fire of all these politicians will stay for sometime actions or solution to the problem. Lot of debates and suggestions are going on the issue of security in Delhi for women.. But no solution found. :huh:

That's where lies the specialty of a politician. He delivers speeches not the goods.

But now is the time they have to deliver what they speak. :evil:
I agree with sanjeev gupta, doctors tried their level best, and she was injured so badly and because she was strong she fought for ten days

Thank you said by: Sanjeev Gupta
Yes after so much of march what the result given by the court that the boy is still immature and should be released.When they do such crime they are not immature then why this type of decision by the court.Really shameful.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Thank you said by: Rajani K
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