If you're tired of poor service from your current telecom service provider but have not switched to avoid changing your number, you don't have to worry anymore.
:) :) :)
You can now leave your old service provider for a new one and keep the old number.

Dump your phone company. Move to a better one. But keep your present number. A total of 700 million Indians use cell phones. With mobile number portability kicking in on November 25, many customers, especially pre-paid ones, might abandon ship.
Firms might offer better service but won't drop prices any further.

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This is welcome. Mobile number portability was being awaited for so many years. But the procedure for applying and charges are not clear.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes.. Swapping the network and staying with the personal number is a very good method....

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Will it start today or postpone to another date ?It had postponed many times.

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Well it is good facility indeed as the waiting has after a longtime come to an end. :)
ya its helps the people to change their number to the network which they fell comfort and best.....
Yes guys... It has been postponed many times.... Looking forward to see this feature come on to force soon.. :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
This has been launched as the first phase at Rohtak, Haryana.

Both pre-paid and post paid users can use this service.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
It has been postponed many times. I wish it is successful at least this time.
Yes.... I heard that this has been already started in Haryana first....

It is the initial move... ;)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Waiting for launch in Pondicherry and other states...
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