Favourite Personality!
Whose your favourite Personality???

Your role-model!! Your kind of a person!! The person U admire the most!! Post your reasons too
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Hi Sajeetharan..

Let me post the first reply in your thread..

My role model is my father, it is for the reason that he has taught me many values in my life. He himself has grown from a scratch and now enjoy a lot respect in society.

I want to be just like him.

Aastha Gupta

Nice to hear from you. my favorite personality and my role model is my mother. When my father left us(late), she is the one who is taking care of me, she is the only reason who has made me upto this level.

i would like to thank her in this thread.
I can say my Favourite one is Salman Khan . I do not know why he is my favourite may be one reason could be he is a very kind hearted person .
@ cool boy

this is really interesting . why do you say so that? i heard heard bad news only about salman khan. can you please elaborate.?
My favorite personality is Aishwarya Rai. She is a very dignified woman. I like the way she has come up in life. She has gained lot of reputation through her hard work. She always obeys her family opinion.
The person who I really look up to is Mrs.Indra Nooyi the CEO of PepsiCo. This lady with the fizz has a great deal of passion in her which makes me relate to her.
Abraham Lincoln, the greatest democrat and crusader against exploitation who ended slavery is my role model.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), the great man came for the whole world.

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@ sajeetharan may be Salman Khan gets into news due to some of the things done by him but he is really a very nice person whenever he sees any one in trouble he will surely help and Salman Khan also runs a foundation named as 'Being Human ' which helps lots of people.
My favorite role models is the entire Amte family, headed by Baba Amte who, assisted by his wife Sadhana Amte spent his entire life working for the leprosy patients!! His legacy and his work is now being continued by his two sons Vikas and Dr. Prakash along with their wives and children. This family works among the tribals of naxal-infested areas of Gadhchiroli district in Maharashtra!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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