Let's all share about their own phobia and try to provide others views to remove that phobia from you.
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I am afraid of height. Similarly, I fear reptiles like lizards and try to remain away from these.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I fear water in the sense that I avoid travelling in steamers and boats. My level of fear is maximum when I am in the middle of rivers and seas...!
I am afraid of cow. I also get afraid when I lost my way.
I am afraid of snake and water in river or sea.Sometime I get fear about these in dream also.

I fear of height and water. I fear when i go in a ship or do a boating.
i afraid of conversation with senior persons like my HR with MD and with new people.
I am afraid of enemies. I try to patch up with my enemies as much as i can do. I don't feel comfortable when i face them. So,i try to avoid getting in trouble.

Want to make each day Accountable

who are your enemies are you a political leader or some business man.
I am afraid of height.

Be positive
I hadn't recognised any phobia in me.So I don't know what to do to correct a phobia.

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