sex is part of love its true or false?

Santosh Kumar Singh


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No it`s not true, I think both sex and love is a part of life........ Here prostitute can give sex but not love....
You are right but why boy love to girl and girl love to boy .first they attract then attraction covert to love. Sex live behind attraction.

Santosh Kumar Singh


If the love is for sex, it means they love not with thier heart but for something extra which will end soon after that action.

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Most people do say that sex is a part of love. It is not so. Pure love never ever demands or ends in sexual relationship or sex. it is false.
when you talk of love, you mean such relation between a man and woman. This itself is self explanatory. There is nothing like non physical love.No need to say, sex is essential component of love.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

True love is nothing expect anything. So, Sex is not part of love.

Be positive
Vaishnavi: If sex is not part of love, why same gender love between homosexuals and lesbians considered unacceptable and unnatural.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Sex is complete with or without love but love is incomplete without sex.

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no sex is not a part of love both are impprtant in human lofe.
both are important in life but how they related to each other. I think sex is strongly related to love.

Santosh Kumar Singh


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