Dear Winner This is to inform you that you have won a prize money of one million pounds(1,000,000.00) for new of Year Edition 2010
Lottery promotion which is organized by WINDOWS LIVE & MICROSOFT WINDOWS,collects all the email addresses of people that are active
online,among the millions that subscribed to Hotmail and MSN we only select five people every Month as our winners through electronic balloting
System without the winner applying,we congratulate you for being one of the people selected.


You are to contact your Claims Agent with immediate effect to faciliate the protocol of your winning prized before the date of Claim,Winners Shall
be paid in accordance with his/her Settlement Centre Prize must be claimed not later than 15 days from date of Draw Notification after the Draw date in which Prize has won. Any prize not claimed within this period will be forfeited.

These are your identification numbers:

To begin your claim please contact our licensed and accredited agent
assigned to you.

MR. Terry Martins
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1. Full name .............
2. Country..............
3. Contact Address..........
4.. Telephone Number ......
5. Marital Status .........
6. Occupation .............
7. Company .............
8. Age...................

MSN Lottery Prize must be claimed not later than 15 days from date of Draw Notification after the Draw date in which Prize has won. Any prize not
claimed within this period will be forfeited.

Congratulations!! once again.

Yours in service,
Mrs Felicia James
(Operation Manager)

Santosh Kumar Singh


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There are so many spam mails like this.My friend even got a SMS with such luring words.The worst thing is that it even had his full address.So it always good that we never give our personal information anywhere in web
I gets such mail daily and once I replied "if you are true take its half and for your expenses and send me rest.Take my mial address to send from the site where you got my e-mail id."After that there was a stop for 2 or 3 weeks.Now again started.But I deletes then and there.

Y'day as MC told I got one through SMS for first time.I think I'll be the most richest person in paper (!) due to getting all these.!!!!

Visit my blogs:

It is good that we are aware of such mails and the best thing to do is,to delete them at the inbox without reading the mail,we are not sure if they may contain a deadly virus like Trojan.Even I get many such mails as these and I delete them at the inbox/spam folder without reading them.Better be safe than sorry :)

Swetha Shenoy
These are just spam mails. Hackers mainly used for this mails. In some mails, a link is also given for contacting you. They are just phishing websites. They are also intended for spreading virus. So its better to delete all those mails.

Cool information and hot earnings @
Thank you very much for all your advice but to got call that i have reach at airport just come to meat me then should i go.

Santosh Kumar Singh


yes i got this type of emails many time but i am not replying anything because i know that they are not true so i am deleting them without reading them
But there may be 1% possibility that may be true but if amount is very huge then i can say its fake . If amount is in thousands rupees than we can believe on it but its 7 crore so there is a question mark and all are spam .

Santosh Kumar Singh


I have received many mails like this. Mostly it will come to the Spam folder. The subject will be "Claim your gift / money today" like this. I never open such mails. I will just delete it.
Its a spam email. dont fall prey to this tyoe of mails, you will looses your hard earned money
These kind of mails are called spam mails. See many hackers are used to get your personal details with that they will try to crack your password. So they need your personal details .Some of us used to keep secret question like nick name, Dob . If they get our personal details its easy to crack your password . So its not advisable to reply that mail. Delete when you see those mails.
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