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12 years ago
I first time participate in this league and I complete all my article and submitted my last article on 30th January before one day.But still my two articles are pending.So i am eligible or not.I can submit only 10 articles due to very short time after all my work.
you are eligible.
My final article still showing the status "Locked by Kalyani" :( :(
Can any editor please tell me, if that article is approved or not?
If this article is rejected, am out from the contest though I have send article links to Boddunan support :blink:
It has been approved, and I have just released it!
so, it was in your safe custody till now? :sick: :sick: :laugh: :laugh:
But my condition was not safe :woohoo: :woohoo:
I was in another world, till now :silly: :silly:
now my mind got peace. Thank you :cheer:
He he he! Just tried to create a little suspense, you do like suspense thrillers, don't you!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo:
i thought it was system error :woohoo: :woohoo:
whenever you edit my articles, it's seen "locked by kalyani", so, it's easy to find who has edited my article ;) ;)
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
I have seen your remarks.....thanks a lot for approving it.
actually it took a long day to complete that article. when i completed it, it was already 8.15 pm. But suddenly my net got some problem and was disconnecting continuously. that's the reason why I couldn't format it correctly nor proof read it once. I was continuously refreshing it for one or two hours to submit it at last, saving it every time when net was available for a few seconds.
Thank you
So for you now its been a relief. :)
Congrats for completing target. :) BTW just 10 article this time why?. :blink:
i worked hard, but this topic is not for me. I think so :silly:
It took one full day to complete each article, I don't know why :blink:
A simple doubt...
should we provide space between each subtitle heading? Earlier I was doing so, but once admin remarked, not to provide those spaces.
There should just be a single space, you probably got the remark because of bigger space than that. If you don't leave space between headings, the text looks very cluttered. It is actually a personal preference.
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
12 years ago
I first time participate in this league and I complete all my article and submitted my last article on 30th January before one day.But still my two articles are pending.So i am eligible or not.I can submit only 10 articles due to very short time after all my work.
you are eligible.
My final article still showing the status "Locked by Kalyani" :( :(
Can any editor please tell me, if that article is approved or not?
If this article is rejected, am out from the contest though I have send article links to Boddunan support :blink:
It has been approved, and I have just released it!
so, it was in your safe custody till now? :sick: :sick: :laugh: :laugh:
But my condition was not safe :woohoo: :woohoo:
I was in another world, till now :silly: :silly:
now my mind got peace. Thank you :cheer:
He he he! Just tried to create a little suspense, you do like suspense thrillers, don't you!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo:
i thought it was system error :woohoo: :woohoo:
whenever you edit my articles, it's seen "locked by kalyani", so, it's easy to find who has edited my article ;) ;)
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: No actually, after submitting after review, it should not get locked but somehow most of my articles get reviewed, and I have to release them manually every time. I forgot to check your article whether it was locked or not until I saw your post!! :P :laugh: :)
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
12 years ago
I first time participate in this league and I complete all my article and submitted my last article on 30th January before one day.But still my two articles are pending.So i am eligible or not.I can submit only 10 articles due to very short time after all my work.
you are eligible.
My final article still showing the status "Locked by Kalyani" :( :(
Can any editor please tell me, if that article is approved or not?
If this article is rejected, am out from the contest though I have send article links to Boddunan support :blink:
It has been approved, and I have just released it!
so, it was in your safe custody till now? :sick: :sick: :laugh: :laugh:
But my condition was not safe :woohoo: :woohoo:
I was in another world, till now :silly: :silly:
now my mind got peace. Thank you :cheer:
He he he! Just tried to create a little suspense, you do like suspense thrillers, don't you!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo:
i thought it was system error :woohoo: :woohoo:
whenever you edit my articles, it's seen "locked by kalyani", so, it's easy to find who has edited my article ;) ;)
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: No actually, after submitting after review, it should not get locked but somehow most of my articles get reviewed, and I have to release them manually every time. I forgot to check your article whether it was locked or not until I saw your post!! :P :laugh: :)
i have told once, your account needs an annual cleaning :cheer: :cheer: :laugh: :laugh:
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
I have seen your remarks.....thanks a lot for approving it.
actually it took a long day to complete that article. when i completed it, it was already 8.15 pm. But suddenly my net got some problem and was disconnecting continuously. that's the reason why I couldn't format it correctly nor proof read it once. I was continuously refreshing it for one or two hours to submit it at last, saving it every time when net was available for a few seconds.
Thank you
So for you now its been a relief. :)
Congrats for completing target. :) BTW just 10 article this time why?. :blink:
i worked hard, but this topic is not for me. I think so :silly:
It took one full day to complete each article, I don't know why :blink:
A simple doubt...
should we provide space between each subtitle heading? Earlier I was doing so, but once admin remarked, not to provide those spaces.
There should just be a single space, you probably got the remark because of bigger space than that. If you don't leave space between headings, the text looks very cluttered. It is actually a personal preference.
so, I didn't leave any space in between? :blink:
let me wait for its publish to see what mistake I have done...and how beautifully you have formatted it :cheer: :cheer:
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
I have seen your remarks.....thanks a lot for approving it.
actually it took a long day to complete that article. when i completed it, it was already 8.15 pm. But suddenly my net got some problem and was disconnecting continuously. that's the reason why I couldn't format it correctly nor proof read it once. I was continuously refreshing it for one or two hours to submit it at last, saving it every time when net was available for a few seconds.
Thank you
So for you now its been a relief. :)
Congrats for completing target. :) BTW just 10 article this time why?. :blink:
i worked hard, but this topic is not for me. I think so :silly:
It took one full day to complete each article, I don't know why :blink:
A simple doubt...
should we provide space between each subtitle heading? Earlier I was doing so, but once admin remarked, not to provide those spaces.
There should just be a single space, you probably got the remark because of bigger space than that. If you don't leave space between headings, the text looks very cluttered. It is actually a personal preference.
so, I didn't leave any space in between? :blink:
let me wait for its publish to see what mistake I have done...and how beautifully you have formatted it :cheer: :cheer:
Ok, I thought you were asking about space AFTER heading, re: your article, I have remarked about space to separate paragraphs! Wait till it gets published, then you will know!
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
Thank you said by: Rajani K
12 years ago
@ Bachchan - Due to my exam I am only completed 18 articles for Leauge. 3 of my articles are still to be approved let hope all of them approved.
This is my first Leauge and I have 15 Approved articles and 4 in a Queue for approval from Admin.
It s great that you people have completed so many articles, this was one of the most interesting topics ever and I had really looked forward to it , planning to write at least 15 articles n my travel experience, but unfortunately could complete only 10 wt great difficulty due to time constraint. I have never had it so tough until now, have had to stay up late and write.....travel,personal issues and work, everything added up! However, I would like to write more articles on travel as and when convenient...
And yet you have done a great job, I loved your articles1 This time I also have managed to submit 10 articles, wanted to write more but time is an issue1
Thanks a lot Kalyani, I have read all your articles published so far, and they are really good and unique, ideas that most of us dint come up with, loved you article on art tourism, Agritourism and about Tea estates....Good that you have had the time to write the required number of articles this time ...
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
12 years ago
@ Bachchan - Due to my exam I am only completed 18 articles for Leauge. 3 of my articles are still to be approved let hope all of them approved.
This is my first Leauge and I have 15 Approved articles and 4 in a Queue for approval from Admin.
It s great that you people have completed so many articles, this was one of the most interesting topics ever and I had really looked forward to it , planning to write at least 15 articles n my travel experience, but unfortunately could complete only 10 wt great difficulty due to time constraint. I have never had it so tough until now, have had to stay up late and write.....travel,personal issues and work, everything added up! However, I would like to write more articles on travel as and when convenient...
And yet you have done a great job, I loved your articles1 This time I also have managed to submit 10 articles, wanted to write more but time is an issue1
Thanks a lot Kalyani, I have read all your articles published so far, and they are really good and unique, ideas that most of us dint come up with, loved you article on art tourism, Agritourism and about Tea estates....Good that you have had the time to write the required number of articles this time ...
yes, me too...
Some of her articles are really unique....
why can't you add a few more such articles, so rare?
Meera sandhu
Thank you said by: Mary
12 years ago
Yes her articles are really nice articles.
12 years ago
Thanks Kalyani for clarifying the same doubt I got while submitting articles. Another problem I got is: in the drop down box where paragraph, h1, h2 etc are provided, the h2 option is not visible after selecting for three times. That is if I have more than 3 sub heading and if I want to put them in h2 category the box is not appearing after 3rd select. I hope my problem is understood.. :)
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