Kabbadi is a sport originated from india. This game is a popular sport in southern asia and played in foriegn countries like japan,iran and bangladesh. Many states in india like tamil nadu, punjab etc have kabbadi as their state game. Kabbadi is played with two teams in opposite side of the field. Each team send a person called "Raider" in the opposite half in turns to gain points. The Raider should hold his breath during their time in the opposite side and they win points by tagging and wresting with their oppenents. We need to be strong, agile and fast moving to play this game.
Usually two teams of seven member each will play the game. Each team will be having a reserve of five players in each side. The game is played in two halves. Each half is played for 20 minutes and the half time has a break of 5 minutes. The members tagged by the raiders are sent out of the field. The defenders usually link thier hands to defend themself from raider. Thier duty is to stop the raider from getting to thier side of the field. If the raider takes breath in the opposite side then he is out.
The team with most points win the game. The game is supervised by six officials, one referee, two umpires, one scorer and two assistant scorers.