Whenever we see violence in any form, we are quite disturbed. Our feelings and emotions go for a big toss. On the one hand, we feel very sorry and depressed that it should have happened. However, the animal within us also becomes alive, and this becomes very active. We often tend to emulate some amount of it in our own lives, even unconsciously.
Violence can be physical, and sometimes, verbal too. When we show our pent up anger on someone, lose control, and talk whatever we want, often not allowing the other person to even speak, violence takes place. Not only are we violent, it will arouse violent feelings in the other person(s) as well, and when this happens, there is harm for every single person. The consequences can be very dangerous -- murders very often happen as a reaction to such harsh words from our side.
Violence tends to destroy all that is good about human nature. Violence always has no end, as we have seen for decades in West Asia, in parts of Europe, or in many other parts of the world. Violence with deadly weapons has already taught the most bitter lessons to Japan, USA and such powerful countries. Yet, violence continues unabated.
At our local levels, violence takes many forms. Stoning or burning buses by students is one manifestation of violence, which is very disturbing indeed. Implicit in such violence is a very wrong assumption that anything that is "public" can be destroyed. This violence makes the students think that violence is the answer to any of their problems. The men students sometimes try to impress the women students with their so called "bravery"!
Violence is also a sign of helplessness. This is more so, when such feelings are reinforced by most of Indian cinema, where the hero feels helpless and takes to violence. He is shown bashing up at least fifty to sixty of bad guys almost single-handed. Such impressions are even more dangerous, as youngsters in colleges are often seen walking around with hockey sticks ready to pounce on their "enemies", and this often happens within hostels.
Violence in any form should be avoided at any cost. We need at least a few leaders who can follow the path of non-violence. We need someone to prove that violence is no answer to any of our social problems. The police should also be told in no uncertain terms to behave themselves and not take to violence to break any social action. In fact, there are instances of police indulging in maximum violence.
The impressions that violence makes on young minds, particularly on children below the age of ten, is so dangerous. Quite frequently, children indulge in violence of the most dangerous kind. Some years ago, a student murdered his own teacher in broad daylight in Chennai, for the simple reason that she was a bit strict with him. There have been instances where three or four children of the same age have joined together and murdered their own classmate for some reason.
Physical violence against women
Rape is the worst form of animal violence against women, of all ages. Murder for gain, is one such animal violence, too. We are increasingly seeing these forms of violence happening in cities and even villages. There have been several movements protesting against such violence, but not much of an an improvement is really seen.
Start with the Schools
As with any other reform, this author is of the firm opinion that only parents and teachers can and should play a great part in ending violence. Moral classes should be made compulsory. Street plays, drama, skits, and such other should be regularly conducted to explain to young minds that violence is so dangerous, in any form.
The parents also need to take corrective action, by never ever exposing the children to horror movies and to violence-oriented movies, in any language. If the parents themselves watch such movies on television, no amount of preaching will do. Charity begins at home. If children are taught good things at home, they tend to carry it to the schools and also discuss the same with friends and teachers, and this will change things for the better.
Schools may also be advised to utilize the services of trained counselors who are capable of bringing about tangible change. In fact, in several cases, counselors also volunteer to provide such help. This can go a long way in making the students get a firm idea of the harmful effects of violence in any form.
Concerted Action is called for
Instead of simply blaming the Government, the voluntary groups, the Non-governmental organizations, and the social organizations like the Lions Club, Leo Club, and the like can spring into action and get local communities to debate the harmful effects of violence. This will open up new vistas of change, and help the society transform itself in some small way.
When such small efforts get multiplied, there will be a collective force emerging, the results of which, will hopefully, lead to less violence.