Definition and need of family.
Family is formed by a group of members. They start to live together as a unit. It is the very important part of our society. This is kind of institution that consist of a powerful function in our society. It is not easy to define a family. It has a large number of definitions on the basis of society. The most common definition of the family is that it is a form by the combination of father, mother, brother, sister etc.. They work as a unit. A group of family are used to form a society. A human being cannot survive without their family. Everyone need family to share their happiness and sorrow with their family members. Every family has to follow some of the fundamental rules form by our society. The concept of family is not developed in a year or two. It takes year and year to develop as an institution. When we look back about 1000 years. We found that this family is really powerful. Today in this modern generation the meaning of family has totally changed. This family is classified into two groups combined family and Separate family.
Modern definition of Separate family.
When a group of people wants to enjoy their life alone then that kind of people form a family and this family is known as a Separate family. Separate family is a combination of father, mother, brother, and sister. They do not want any kind of interference in their family. They try to restrict other relative so that they cannot visit their home on a regular basis. The definition of Separate family is quite difficult to understand. It is based on the sacrifice of their parents and their children.
Modern definition of Combined family.
This kind of family is going to exist from our society. We hardly found a Combined family in our society. In cities it is impossible to find a Combined family. This type of family is mainly found in rural areas. Combined families or a group of people that posses a same blood. This type family is extremely large and confusing. It is not easy to understand all relations in Combined family. In Combined family you are going to found all kinds of relation inside a single home. When we discuss about any Combined family then there is attached with more than one generation. In Combined family you may find a person belonging to different generations. Change is a demand of Time. The meaning of society is also changing as the time changes.
Everything wants change with passes of time. Our society also gets changed with the passes of time. The tradition of separated family is becoming more common in the modern generation. Now everyone prefers separated family. This proves a big revolution in our modern society. We adopt this idea from other countries like Europe, USA etc.. Now it's become our basic need. We don't adopt only those from other countries. We also adopt an idea of same sex marriage, open relationship. This all affects our culture and religion. Separated family spread over India very quickly. This is because the people of India become modern. Now people are not hesitating to accept western culture. It's become a trend for our modern Society. On the other hand combined family is a very important part of our society. This show our tradition and culture. The existence of this family is very important for our future generation otherwise we lose our tradition and culture completely. The survival of combined family is still possible because of their presence in the form of a tribal group, villages, local communities etc.. Combined family are regarded as the 2nd oldest institution of our country after the tradition of marriages in India.
Separated family Vs Combined family - Brief description.
There are large numbers of discussion about this topic given above. Someone prefers separate family while others prefer combined family. It is our decision to choose one from both. Before choosing you must prefer their advantages and disadvantages of separated family as well as Joint family.
A combined family provides you a good platform so that you may develop properly. There are many members available for you all the time but this is not true with Separated family. You might not get proper attention from your father and mother.
In combined family due to the presence of large numbers of people your mind does not get diverted to other activities. In such surround your mind develop properly without any tension. In Separated family you might get disturbed due to not getting proper attention by your parents. This may affect your mind too.
In separated family you might not get the attention from any one of the members from your family. If your parent is absent then there is no one present with you so that they can take care of you. No one is going to fulfill your demand whereas in Combined family you get attention by some other family members in the absence of your real parent. That person plays a role of temporary parent for you.
The feeling of loneliness is never present in a Combined family. Suppose that you live in a Separated family. If your parents commit any mistake then no one in your home is going to scold your parents whereas in combined family there are person who is available for your parent and they can scold your parents for their mistake.
You can get many good things for your Combined family. In combined family there are a large number of people and they teach you a large number of lessons for your future life. They assist you every time and develop you as a good person Whereas in Separated family parents are involved in their day to day activities. They do not have enough time to teach their child a lesson that may help their children in their future.
Combined family can easily equip your mind emotionally and morally Where in Separated family this is very real.
A separated family is formed by the combination of 4-5 persons. In such a family you can easily spend a comfortable life as compare to joint family. No one is going to disturb you. This idea may get dangerous sometime. It turns your child from good boy into a bad boy. If there are Quarrel between father and mother then at that time no one is present to solve that Quarrel. This may lead to separation While in Combined family there are a large number of people present. They can solve your Qurrel by any means. The chance of separation is very low in Combined family.
There are a large number of members present in any Combined family they always try to make you happy. You got full support from their family members.
In combined family you are not going to get 100% faith. It might possibly that someone is going to cheat you for your property. But this is not possible in separated family. You get 100% faith from every member. No one is going to cheat you.
With a combined family there is little chance for your conversation. You cannot accept Western quite easily. In combined family every change come after a longer duration of time whereas in separated family they can easily convert their old custom into a western culture.
The most important difference between Combined family and Separated family is that in combined family you are not able to enjoy your life freely. You have to sacrifice your happiness for the well being of your family. In case of Separated family at least you can enjoy for life without any disturbance of another member.
Conclusion: -If you are a free minded person then Separated family is best for you. If you want to live in a group of members then Combined family is best for you. Living in a Separated family is an easy task whereas in Combined family it is really a difficult task for you. You need to sacrifice almost all your demands for the sake of your family.