Where is GOD?
Some times i think where is God? I search in Temple, Gurudwara, books etc but i did not feel God there so now question is where is God. Is God exist in world or its only our feeling.
I thinks one day that when child born he did not know what is God day by day he know God is related to us.
I saw Ramayan in Television then i know who is Ram and who is Rawan but this story also comes from Human. same i saw Mahabharat this story also comes from Mahabharat and i have know Srikrishna is our God then after some times i saw Sirdi ke Sai baba then i know God is everywhere and we have only one God.
As I listen people pray God in different different forms but still God is only one and everyone know this matter than even they pray different different God and dividing God for every majhab and people gets confuse always where is God.
If we search then get thousand definition of God is present in the world and some is true some is false. so what is true we still need to search and re-search.
After some times i listen God is in our heart and every heart has God. so if God is in our heart then why some times we do wrong. so deep discussion can be made for this topic.
But if i avoid all above matter then i made conclusion that one big power is behind us which is invisible and need more research in this field. whatever research have been made its converted to science already but not in terms of God.
so as science research we need to God research. on old times people more research on God by prayer, Tapasya etc. and the result is we have lot of books related to that but this time research is not continued because its kalyug so we still need to depend upon old book.
first we need to read all those book then we need to start search so our knowledge is very less about God because if i start read those books today then 1 to 2 years need to be take to read all those book.
so i request to people write articles about God if you have knowledge about God. I still have lot of question but when i reach final true then 100% i will tell you on my next article.