String Manipulation function
strcat appands one string to another
strchr finds first occurence of a given character in string
strcmp compares two strings
strcmpi compares two strings without regard to case
strcpy copies one string to another
strdup duplicates a string
stricmp compares two strings without regard to case
strlen Finds length of a string
strlwr coverts a string to lower case
strncat Appends a portion of one string to another
strncmp Compares a portion of one string with portion of another string
strncpy copies a given number of characters of one string to another
strnicmp compares a potion of one string with a portion of another without regard to case
strrchr finds last occurence of a given character of a string
strrev reverses a string
strset sets all characters in a string to a given number
strstr Finds first occurence of a given string in another string
strupr converts a string to upper case
I/O Funcions
Close closes a file
fclose Closes a file
feof detects end-of-file
fgetc reads a character from a file
fgetchar reads a character from keyboard
fgets reads a string from a file
fopen Opens a file
fprintf Writes a formated display to a file
fputc writes a character to a file
fputchar writes a character to screen
fputs writes a string to a file
fscanf reads formatted data from a file
fseek repositions file pointers to a given location
ftell gets current file pointer position
getc reads a character from a file
getch reads a chracter from a keyboard
getche reads a character from keyboard and echoes it
getchar reads a charcter from keyboard
gets reads a line from keyboard
inport reads a two-byte word from a specified port
inportb reads one byte from the specified I/O port
kbhit checks for a keystroke at a keyboard
lseek repositions file pointers to a given location
open opens a file
outport writes a two-byte to the specific I/O port
outportb writes one-byte word to the specific I/O port
printf Writes formatted data to the screen
putc Writes a character the file
putch writes a character to the screen
putchar writes a character to screen
puts writes a line to file
read reads data from file
rewind repositions file pointer to beginning of a file
scanf reads formatted data from keyboard
sscanf reads formatted input froma string
sprintf writes formatted output to a string
tell gets current file pointer position
write writes data to a file
Directory control functions
chdir changes current working directory
getcwd gets current working directory
fnsplit splits a full path name into its components
findfirst searches a sisk directory
findnext continues findfirst search
mkdir makes a new directory
rmdir removes a directory