Objects and Classes
In c language we can define our own datatypes using structures. Therefore it is possible to develop application oriented datatype. We can define data elements as members of structure in c. However c do not allow us to define functions as members of the structures.
To implement object oriented programming ,it is necessary to declare data members and associated functions together.
Therefore c do not support object oriented programming.
In c++ it is possible to define data as well as functions as members of the structure or members of the class.
Therefore c++ supports oject oriented programming.
Class:- is nothing but a datatype that defines set of objects having identical characteristics.
The class definition is often made up of data members and members functions.
Object:- The object is nothing but the physical existence of the class.
The object is also called as instance.
Consider the following eg:-
Class music-system
float length, breadth, depth;
float cost;
char color;
int no_of_speakers;
Void playcas ( );
void played cd ( );
void forward ( );
void rewind ( );
void record ( );
Music_system m1, m2;
→ In the above eg we have defined a class called music system which has got data members length, breadth, cost, color, depth, no of speakers.
→ The class have got following member function playcas, played, forward, rewind, record.
→ The m1 and m2 are defined as objects o6 class music system.
→ The members of the class will be accessed for the object as follows object name, member name.