This is the greatest flattery of my heart,
to have a swaggering lioness
that roars out my joy
in the pulchritude of hopes,
I am indeed astounded
by how she plundered my breathe
with the magic of her essence,
her might that strikes
like luminous sorcery
A spell wound over my mind
that hibernates, never to awaken
and a heart that awakens
from the doze of loneliness
with a smile bright as beauty itself,
she gave me an undeniable regard
which changes my footsteps
to the pride of sunshine
I rejoice at this marvelous intoxicated
as she is the alcohol I drink
By the authenticity of her heartbeat,
I have been reincarnated
from being to monument
from human to an ornament of truth,
that she wears like a chain
round her neck of care
By a tsunami of compassion
I have been baptised enormously
with strong affection
because she's here,
her presence like the sparkle of a diamond,
now my heart and soul
twinkle like mighty stars of romance.
By Kakraba Afful