Many may not understand what I am talking about by just reading the topic name. Neither did I. I go along as I start typing. Being foolish to me is doing things as you are told to do them without any returns, again and again. Now here I'm talking abou the contests. No not the Community contests. They are fine and you do get returns. :P What I am talking about is the SMS trend all over TV channels and the lucrative prizes added to them. SMS this and you get that. SMS that and you get this. How is it related here ?! Well cause I saw MTV Hero Honda (Sponsors should always be credited) Roadies 7 doing it this time after the failing attempt of last time. By the failing attempt of last time I mean the Idea contest which was being held to find a winner who would be seen on the Finale episode. So when it ended, seemed to me as either there was no winner or I didnt get the Idea. Maybe it meant to have the person on the Finale but not on screen. If it was this way, it was stupid. :D As for this time, The Delhi auditions are over. I am from Delhi BTW. But, I am still getting messages and e-mails to maximize my chances of becoming a Roadie. So well before people start bashing me for an Anti-MTV thread, let me tell you that this is not one. I just wanna ask the Youth, the so-called Youngistaan if it really that foolish ? What I'm asking for is just a bit of transparency in such contests. And I dont think I'm asking for too much. :)

TV shows are just promoting themselves with this type of things that if you participate in this contest you will get and it depends on you if you have money and faith in the contest then participate or else we wont...same thing is daily we get calls from customer cares through mobiles to get this caller tune that tune we dont activate rite?
same goes to shows they give gifts for the correct guess but if you send 1 message its impossible to get because they give huge amount of prize example is stunt mania where pulsar 220 was given to a person who sent some 1000+ msgs...see they need profits and this is the way they get profits
next is some shows which ask us to vote for the contestants to save them from vote out if you like to save then you will do or else no...i never messaged to anyone except this time roadies because i wanted to participate and the show people wanted to get profits through this way...
finally my point is it depends on you if you feel to participate then you do or else no



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