In India the timing of working hour was around from 9.00am to 5.00pm for all the working people accept teachers,
now there is no time limits at all most of the time goes in doing job ,what about the family? no time for family? why is this ? many question comes in my mind. are we born to be a labour the whole day to get money to live. why is life so tuff? . A man/women comes home tired at 10 pm and sleep the next day again the same thing gets repeated. This what is happening to each and every one.Is there any time for family and friends. Half of our life goes on studies and the rest on doing job.I accept this that every one must study and i also agree that for living we should work ,these things should be in our life .but, we must also have time for our self for our family and friends.
If during the study level the school should not give home works and so much loads to study. It must be such in the timing of studies like 9 to 3 the school must teach them in such a way so that there is no requirement for the student to study at home and avoid playing games and having ample of time for their family and friends.
In the same way as how it was before the timing was fixed for job, again such rule should be executed in pvt sectors and they should give 2 days holiday ie Saturday and Sunday.The working men and women can take rest for one day and enjoy with family on the next day.By this the parents will have much time for their children and family and also much time for them self.Because life is not ever lasting one or other day we will die.So change must happen,time is very important for us .the schedule of working timing should be changed to live a better life.
Like other country we too should have two days holidays and have ample of time for every one.