Spend Time with Kids
Nowadays most of Moms are back to work immediately after a few months of delivery due to various reasons. Most of them have problems in balancing between Work, Family and the Social activities. Most of them might have opted for alternative arrangements in looking after their kid; of course there is nothing wrong in it until they try to balance between work, family and Social Activity. I believe most of them would start early to office and by the time when they are back the whole day is almost gone and for most of the kids the day has already come to an end. Once they come they will enter into the kitchen to get set everything for dinner. Working Moms find it difficult to spend time with their kids. First let us try to understand the consequences of what happens if they don’t spend these first few years of bonding with their kids
In place of a mother looking after a kid someone else is doing that and they gain control of the kids rather than the mother and Sometimes mothers cant even understand the kids feelings, expressions. Spending majority of the day away from Kids make relationship more difficult.
When kids grow they capture everything in mind faster than anyone that is especially when a kid turns two. They capture more from observation. We can see that they try to imitate most of the actions we do. This is the age were kids get socialize with each other, they try to explore new things and activities. I personally believe this is the age were a mother can influence the child more than anyone else.
Most of hired Aunts make television as a baby sitting. It has been proven that kids who watch more television have crucial effects both mentally and as well as physically. Most of the kids initial stages (at least 5 years) should be spent in activities like playing, reading, music, exploring.
Now start on the ways to spend more time, quality time with your kids for more bonding.Once you are back from office plan your work accordingly so that you can spend more time with your kids. Give them a quick bath; try to play with your kid’s daily, talk to them, play music and dance with them, if you have enough time take them to a park near by or you can also involve them in small household work you do. Weekends are the best time to do more for your kids.
When kids grow (especially when they are two) they pick up more from observation so be sure about everyone’s behaviors. Be careful about the behavioral issues. Any activities that you don’t want your kids to get should be kept away from them.
If you have hired someone to take care of the kids be clear about the activities and the television timings for your kid. For kids less than five maximum of two hour of television is enough. It doesn’t mean that these duties are only for a mother it’s for parents and after all it’s necessary for a healthy relationship. Make quality time for your kids and don’t forget to put a smile on their face.