State Governments in India are on a renaming spree. Cities or prominent towns in Indian States which had English names earlier have been renamed into regional names. According to politicians these cities or towns were not renamed, but in fact reverted to their original names. According to their contention, Britishers had changed names of cities in India to suit their pronunciation for example they have changed Halasuru to Ulsoor so that they can pronounce better. The current State Governments by reverting to Halsuru has undone the damage.
While many places were renamed, the most notable of them are Bombay to Mumbai, Madras to Chennai, Calcutta to Kolkatta, Cochin to Kochi and Bangalore to Bengaluru. Cities like Bangalore and Bombay are international cities are are on par with cities like Sydney, Tokyo and New York. When lot of Indians outside Chennai but living in India, struggle to pronounce "Chennai" how can you expect a foreigner to pronounce chennai. A Bangalore, Bombay or a Madras any day sounds more majestic than its current names.
As Indians why should we feel bad when we own such a majestic name like Bangalore or a Bombay?. If we have discarded everything that was started by Brtishers then it is acceptable. When we do not have any problems in copying smoking which we copied form British, their style of clothing and accept, then why cant we accept a name that sounds well to us and internationally?