From the land of the Kama Sutra it is expected to find ancient erotic sculptures. The eroticism in ancient Indian sculptures is legendary. The sculptures on the walls of the temples at Khajarao are just such an example. This set of about twenty temples is said to have been built during the reign of the kings of the Chandela dynasty during the 9th and 10th centuries AD. The UNESCO has declared these temples a world heritage site.

The artists have used the “Mithunas” or couples to depict all forms of colorful sexual imagery. That is not to say that only sculptures of couples adorn these temples. There are also groups involved in the art of making love. The sculptures show many positions which can be used by lovers. Some have been admired and others have been criticized, but everyone has had something to say about the statues. It is like visiting a visual guide of the Kama Sutra.

You may ask why a temple, a place of worshiping the lord is adorned with these graphic sexual images. There are many schools of thought here. For one set the answer lies in the fact that a person was supposed to overcome all desires in order to be near the lord and gain salvation. Of all the desires, it is the sexual ones that are the most basic and instinctive. So the sculptures were set as a test of self control. If the devotee could keep his mind on his prayers despite being surrounded by these erotic art forms he was indeed in control of his emotions.

For the second set there was a spiritual meaning behind every erotic sculpture. If a man and woman were in sexual embrace, it also signified the meeting of their souls as one in the eyes of the lord. So each sculpture can be interpreted in a deeply spiritual manner as well as in an erotic manner. It was also believed that man and woman could increase the fertility by visiting these temples.

For yet another school of thought more in touch with the Indus Valley civilization, the erotic sculptures exemplified one of the four stages in man’s life. When a man was in the householder stage the desire for “Kama” was natural and part of living. This is reflected in the erotic statues of Khajarao.

No matter why these sculptures were commissioned by the Chandela kings, the fact remains that they are in existence today. A very interesting take on ancient porn set in stone for immortality. These sculptures can provide insights into the ancient love making techniques that were prevalent in India long ago. These erotic statues are worth visiting if you can. So when you plan your trip to India, put Khajarao on the itinerary.

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