Read about these famous inventors. They brought about revolutionary changes in our lifestyle with their inventions.
John Boyd Dunlop
Dunlop was a veterinary surgeon in Ireland. He had to travel a lot and the solid rubber wheels were uncomfortable. He started experimenting with his son’s tricycle and designed and inflated rubber tube. In 1888, he patented his invention of the modern rubber tyre.
Charles Macintosh
He had a strong interest in chemistry. While working in his lab, he discovered dissolved India rubber. He worked on this solution and discovered a new material that could not be penetrated by water. It was the first waterproof cloth.
Lewis E waterman
He is the inventor of first practical version o the fountain pen. Although pens were already in use then, the problem with old style pens was their ink-flow. Waterman lost a contract when ink from I pen leaked on to the document he was about to sign. He started working to overcome this problem. He was given a paten for it in 1884.
King Camp Gillette
His name is synonymous with shaving and razor blades. Early razors were of the `cut-throat’ variety and shavers needed to sharpen their blade to dangerously sharp levels on leather `stop’ before shaving. Gillette invented the disposable –blade safety razor and this made him and his company a corporate giant around 1900.
Karl Benz
Karl Benz was a German mechanical engineer. He designed and built the world’s first practical automobile in 1885. In 1886, Benz received the patent for gas –fueled car which was a three –wheeler. He built his first four –wheeled car in 1891. By 1900, Benz $ company become the world’s largest manufacturer of automobiles.
Louis Braille
He was a blind Frenchman who invented the Braille system of printing and writing for the visually impaired. He entered the Royal institution for blind youth in Paris when he was ten. Geed student, especially of science and music, he became a teacher after finishing school. He developed his system of reading by utilsing raised dots on paper for letters. Braille also developed a method of writing music.