It is always said that boys don't cry. At the same time, a research carried by a group of scientists showed, that boys are weaker emotionally than girls. Reading these statements made my mind land in soup. It is always believed that men are from MARS and women are from VENUS. So what the hell they are doing on EARTH?
These were some of the thoughts that were keeping my mind engrossed after I met an accident and was admitted in hospital. ( But believe me, these strange thoughts do come in minds of boys when they have nothing to do.) Then i started to think about past days of my life because i wanted to clear the confusion on whom to call a boy or a man. Well, they say that the moment i was born, people around me were jubilant. It was seen that I began to move my neck and was already prepared for a great life. I began my many strange things during my childhood days like shaking the tool on which my grandpa would stand, thereby, breaking his brittle bones. I used to trouble any stranger around my house for a chocolate. This type of behaviour often used to embarrass my parents. Still I never improved, after all, the things you win are always better than the things you are given without asking.
Well, the above mentioned things were just the starters. They were nothing compared to the great deed, i used to do in my late childhood days. I used to catch a cockroach, tie it with a little string and place it in front of my sister's eyes, and also, the great one, i used to split all of the ink of my fountain pen on the new saree of school teacher. For which i used to end up in a detention room. Well, do normal boys do these silly things in their childhood? Do they constantly hold their house to ransom by running away from their house to hide in nearby club house or the ever famous "KATTA"? Well, something might be wrong with me. How you can explain the fact that at a time I had four pets right from parrot to dog, which were to say the least, part of my DEVIL GANG. They all played an instrumental role in making my house a HELL.
Then came the teen days. Out go all pets, dirty shorts and shirts. Now, comes the trendy hairstyle, clothes and shoes. You are a flamboyant and would die for a new motor bike or to have a glimpse of F1 racing car or even to play the latest version of a 3-D computer game. You are now a cell phone addict constantly engaged in sort of SMSing. You are always ready to bring the stars down the earth just to win a place in the girls' heart. But on most of occasions, you end up landing in either POLICE STATION or HOSPITAL like I am now. You are constantly compared with the electron which every now and then gets excted and de-excited. You try to check your limits by doing strange things like trekking or swimming or even while trying to play manly games like RUGBY. To say at last, you are confused about whether to have a chocolate boy looks, or a manly look or worse DEVDAS. At this strange time, comes a point where you have to concentrate on yor career where the mad rat race begins. These things hae ability to make a DEVDAS out of you. So, you have to be careful. Don't worry, I wasn't part of this group. I guess, now, I am a normal person.
Some years in professional college surely makes you more mature. After you pass out and get a decent job and start behaving like a grown up person, people say," This guy is no more a boy, he has become a man. Now, he's fit for marriage." But the moment they say that man (or boy) admiring or talking to girl, they shoot back " He's definitely behaving like a boy". Oh ! I shared these stories with my friends every time who had similar kind of experiences. I also observed these same things with my younger brother. Now, I can conclude that I was definitely NORMAL. urely, an experience of, " BOYZ TO MEN" is more enthralling than the experience of "GIRLS TO GIRLS". Boys surely have a gene called restlessness, which can only be controlled by a woman's patience and tolerance. This surely plays an important role in moulding a MAN CHARACTER. That's why they always say :" A MAN will always be his mamma's little boy" or " Behind every successful man is the hand of woman".
Whoever said these, surely had brains and a beautiful experience of "BOYZ TO MEN".