The birth of the first avatara, the Matsyavatara or the fish incarnation
Happened when the Vedas were stolen by Sankhasura and hid in the ocean.
The giant-sized Matsya then restored the texts,
Which are held so sacred by all the Hindu sects.
The next avatar is that of the tortoise, the Kurmavatara
Which bore the weight of the mountain on its back,
While the ocean was churned by the Gods and Rakshasas, for the divine amrita.
Then comes the boar incarnation, the Varahavatara
Who killed the demon Hiranyaksha,
And brought up Mother earth from the ocean waters.
Incarnation of the Man-Lion, Narasimhavatara, is the fourth;
He came out from a pillar in the palace court
And killed the demon Hiranyakshyap of strength superb.
Vamanavatara, the dwarf incarnation, follows suit;
King Bali is pushed down with the Lord’s foot.
The sixth is the Parashuramavatara,
Who axed all the warriors without bar;
Thus, he avenged the murder of his beloved father.
Rama, or the Ramavatara, is the next incarnation
Who vanquished Ramana, the demon of his generation,
And protected Sita from his evil intentions.
The eight avatara is the Balaramavatara,
Who is worshipped as an identity of Ananta Sesha.
The next is the Krishavatara, which is the incarnation of Sri Krishna;
He defeated the evil and protected dharma.
The last is the Kalki avatara
Whose visit to the Earth is, supposedly, not far.