O! God
Teach m real worth of myself. Give me the courage to make use of my talents and abilities to the maximum. And, God! Teach me to accept my defects and short comings so that I may succeed in life.
Your attitude determination is your future life. That means your success entirely depends up on the way you look at things.
One day a hunter got an eagle’s egg. He brought it home and his wife kept it for hatching along with hen’s eggs. When the eggs were hatched, the eaglet moved with the chicks, obeying the order of the mother hen, eating grains and worms.
That day the eaglet looked up and saw a magnificent eagle flying. This little eagle also wants to try the same. It tried once, twice and thrice and then if flew high up in the sky.
If the eaglet had not looked up, if it had tried, it would not have flown high in the sky.
The eaglet had realized its worth when it looked up and tried to fly. This self-knowledge made him go higher and higher.
There is an eagle lying deep in each one of you. Search and find out where it is. Your progress and growth entire depends up on how you discover your real worth.
There is much power and goodness inside every one of you. You must discover those qualities. Once you are aware of your abilities, qualities, talents, defects and short coming you will be able to succeed well in every field.
Nearly 24000 years ago, Plato, the Greek Philosopher spoke to his disciples, saying, ``Know yourself’’. Even today, this saying has great implications or inner meanings.
Your achievements, education and progress depend on your self- knowledge. ``You are better than you think’’, says a great author Dora Albert. You must build up a wonderful personality now itself, not tomorrow; you have the ability. Act with courage. Success is yours.