Wailing waves of waning reminiscence,
Of blissful dawn of life's morn,
knocks my doors and makes me mourn.
Dastardly, I dash like a dame,
To the dales of dandelions sans blame.
The blossoms recounted the tale of love, That dodged from me like a dodgy dove,
Eschewing me with sable distress.
and Flinging noxious dews to my sense.
Serene shades of shimmering future,
Tranquilly beckons me to proceed.
Let me approach, but let it recede.
Scamper I through this track curled,
Of life, to know the mystery of world.
Glistening dreams like a glitzy moon,
Come to charm and vanish so soon.
Wailing waves of waning reminiscence,
Knocks my doors and calmly bids:
"Let the bygones be bygones".