- What is the difference between tomorrow and yesterday ?
- What is the difference between a lady and a soldier ?
- What is the difference between a jeweller and a jailer ?
- What is the difference between a sailor and baby ?
- What is the difference between a cat and comma ?
- What is the difference between a boy and postage stamp ?
- What is the difference between a School master and a station master ?
- What is the difference between God and a tailor ?
- Today
- The lady powders her face, while a soldier faces the powder
- The jeweller sells watches and the jailer watches cells.
- A sailor makes bed on the ocean while the baby makes ocean on bed
- The cat has claws at the ends of paws, the comma is the pause at the end of a clause.
- One you like with a stick and the other you stick with a lick.
- The School master trains the minds, while the station master minds the trains
- God makes a man, tailor makes him gentle man.