People does not like to wear Helmet because, their hair will be sweating. It will be uncomfortable and weight for head too. But we should keep in mind that the helmet has saved alot of lives. According to the population, the vehicles are also increased. But the usage of helmet is very less. If we are traveling without helmet, that means we are playing with our lives.While traveling on the highway and roads, we can see many accidents on roads. There we can find people with small injuries and even dead. But most of them are traveling by two wheelers in these accidents are not using helmet.There are many incidents in which people died at accidents by getting injuries to head and died. The young people and people who are the supporter of families, if they die in such incidents then their families will suffer alot. so it is better and best to take precautions while traveling on vehicles.
Few examples : The result of using helmet.
On January 3rd 2012 person name vijay in visakhapatnam from Gopalapatnam was travelling on two wheeler and he met with an accident to a container lorry. Then he went under the wheel of the lorry with bike. People whoever saw it were shocked as vijay was injured at his legs. But he is not injured at his head as helmet has saved him. At the same place, the next day itself another accident occured. 2 people belong to malkapur, while traveling they met with an accident to lorry. As they both wore helmet, so they both are saved.
How to choose Helmet:
The original helmets are available in vehicle showrooms and shops where spare parts are sold. Helmets are manufactured in the cities : Haryana, Delhi,Calcutta, Mumbai and hyderabad. The cost of the helmets ranges from 1500rs to 5000rs.These are mostly made of plastic, Iron and Leather foam.Most of the people purchase helmets which are sold on roads. But they lack in quality.
Recognise ISI mark:
The original helmet contains ISI mark. They contain serial number and the sticker will be in golden color. Some people feel that if they use helmet, due to sweating their hair will loss. so for such people there are special helmets are designed with airpuled holes and the inside of the helmet is made of leatherfoam to helmets and available in market. The helmet which is quality one will be weight of 2kg. At the backside of the helmet, an iron bullet is fixed , so that it protects us from geting injury and at the front side of helmet day and night glasses are been fixed.
Very hard when head injured:
The brain is very sensitive part which is present in the skull. so to protect it. It is adviced by the doctors that people who is travelling by 2 wheeler should wear helmet. The brain is surrounded by skull. When any accident occurs then it gets a crack and blood enters into the brain between the 2 parts of brain. This cannot stop by us. Most of the people in accidents die due to this reason .
There are alot of chances for women to get injury at small brain as they sit at oneside on 2wheeler.
Precautions when accident occured:
When accident occured, then don't move head and neck of the injuried person. If possible tie the neck. So that it won't move and take to hospital. Most of the foreign countries follow this. Then A,B,C treatment should be given to the injured person.
A (Air way) - When an accident occured, if the blood comes out of mouth and nose then vamtings so all these should be cleaned.
B(Breath) - If the injured person have breathing problem then give them breath through mouth or pipe.
C(Blood Pressure) - Accident occured organ will be bleeding. So there we should tie a cloth tightly. If there is more bleeding and heart beat is slow then seline should be given.
To take injured person to hospital almost it 1/2 an hour. So in the mean while we should do first air treatment to them or else the injured person cannot get oxygen and finally their brain gets effected and they die . If they alive by chance they will have blindness, no stable mind.
Road accidents will reduce:
If people use helmets then 50% of accidents will reduce and remaining 50% can be reduced by foot bridzes and ligts, sticking radium stickers on roads. The drunk drivers should be fined with 200rs. The people who are traveling without helmet should be fined with 100rs. There should be a machine arranged to vehicle to control the speed.