Purpose of Life
he purpose of life is to live life King Size. To realize all your dreams and desires. To enjoy life. To help others gain their end.
Purpose of life is the life of purpose.
Now question is, what is this 'life of purpose’?
By the end of our life we should be able to realize ourselves 'who am i' and 'for what am i here' once we’ll realize this two questions our purpose of life will fulfilled. it’s up to us how we will achieve this realization, people may call it in a different ways like getting happiness, enjoying life is the purpose of life ,but ,to me unless we realize our self, our infinite nature we can’t experience the real happiness our life.
In scriptures i found three things which human being strive for during his whole life span :-
1) Happiness with peace of mind.
2) Love.
3) Enfoldment of existing realities
In a very narrow way at least when we ask ourselves what the purpose in our life is?
we become aware about all the non purposes, like Amassing objects of desire and being attached to them. Only when we are in ego consciousness we can ask the question. What is the purpose of life? When we are the eternal subject there is no question because our own body and all our thoughts are also objects which come and go in the eternal awake presence.