Tennis Elbow is also called as lateral epicondylitis. It is the inflammation of the outer part of arm near the elbow. The term is referred as ‘tennis elbow’ because it is commonly seen in people playing tennis.

•    Over use of arm and forearm muscles seen not only in tennis players but also in athletes. The repetitive and overuse of muscles leads to the small tear of the tendon which causes pain and inflammation at the affected part.
•    Seen in people frequently using arm or muscle movements such as players, carpenters,     gardeners, house cleaners, etc.
•    It affects more men as compared to women.

•    Pain develops slowly outside the elbow joints and radiates to forearm when grasping any object.
•    Gradually the elbow pain increases and worsens the activities.

•    There is no blood test required and even the x rays are required in a rare case.
•    The diagnosis is based on the patient’s history and the location of pain. The pain and tenderness near elbow joint that increases with the wrist extension leads to the diagnosis.

•    Apply ice pack at the affected part as ice helps to reduce the inflammation.
•    Complete rest to the affected arm. Avoid any kind of movement of the affected arm.
•    Pain killer is given to minimize the pain.
•    If the pain is due to sports playing then check your sports equipment and if needed make      the changes and get the type of equipment that is suitable for you.
•    You can also use the elbow braces which help to strengthen the muscles and avoid the        elbow injuries.
•    After the relief from pain, physiotherapy is required to strengthen the muscles and reduce      the tension on the affected joint.
•    Do not lift heavy weights that can cause the pressure on your arm or elbow. But can          continue the mild exrecise once the pain is stopped.

•    Yoga – Yoga helps to stretch the muscle and make them flexible.
•    Homeopathy –It helps to reduce the injury pain. For ex- Arnica is good homeopathic medicine which helps to reduce the pain immediately.

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