Health is the most important part of life, with out good health we are not going to survive as good as possible. so, we have to take good food so that we can make our body clean and healthy. normally all people around may not be healthy because of afford ability is less for few people.
These mainly keeps people not to spend more money of what they are usually looking for. so, please make sure that if you are not going to spend a rupee today tomorrow you are not going to get the rupee back. Basically we have a common sentence like "Time is money", but this will not holds good for all cases. if you won't spend money for a particular situation then your wealth is not going to increase after all.
Few things we have to consider on health aspect, normally if we are going to take food at say 8:30 am breakfast, 1:00 pm lunch and 8:00 pm dinner so the problem arise s if you change your time of any of the above three. so make sure that you take your food on time and make your body fit all time. The problem arises when you won't take food on time is the acids in you body are going to get released on that particular time as the system starts.
If you won't take food at that particular time acids are going to harm your system. and make sure that you won't take any solid after breakfast, lunch and dinner. main problem arises if you wont take food is gastric problems, digestion problems, vomits may come due to indigestion, due to this system stops working due to non uniformity in the system.
Most important:
if you won't have tie to take food at that particular instance take 2 glasses of water to avoid gastric.
don't delay after that particular instance.
if you have any digestion problem or any problem in stomach, remedy is after waking up in morning please have 1/2 liter of water in multiples at least twice everyday to avoid stomach problems.