The key to good health lies in a happy mind, and happiness can be obtained when your mind is at peace. I would not say just focus on being happy and ignore food, because while good food is essential for a healthy body. happiness sustains our health. I would like to give few tips which if followed in our day to day activities can reduce unnecessary stress to a great extent leading to a happier frame of mind.
In this regard I suggest that if the following 3 trips are followed in our day to day activities we can be more at peace with ourselves and be happy than ever before.
1) Kill Hatred:- Do not hate anybody unnecessarily, whether they are your colleagues or neighbours, because these are people whom you interact on a daily basis. This is not going to help either you or the other person. It only complicates matters for both creating stress which is harmful to the health of both of you. Even if you are good and say, the other person your colleague hates you, just try to understand the situation as to why he hates. This can be done either by imagining by thinking from his point of view or by putting yourself in his shoes. If still that does not help then sit and talk with that person so that the reason for hatred is known and efforts be made to clear that.
Kill Jealously:- If your colleague or neighbour has something which you do not have, aspire for it if it is without your attainable limits. If it is beyond your limits just ignore it, otherwise the desire to have it which is your reach will create unnecessary stress which in the long run will spoil your health. If your colleague or neighbour has attained those things with unfair ways, then do not crave for it, but if that person has attained it through fair means, then appreciate that person and keep him as your role model to inspire you.
Avoid Negative People:- There will always be people whom you meet in your day to day life who talk ill of others. If they have a genuine reason to talk ill of others you can just listen to them, but do not act on their advice. However if they speak ill of others without a valid reason, just ignore them, for those are the ones who create misunderstandings in your life and corrupt your mind thereby leading to ill health.
Everything in this world is worthy a try, and I suggest all of you to at least give these 3 trips a try, because if it works out it could change the environment you live in.