The term overweight indicates an excess of weight relative to height. Specifically refers to preadiposas cells, as opposed to fat cells, ie, obesity.
How to identify overweight
According to (WHO), overweight implies a body mass index (BMI) equal to or greater than 25. These indexes are divided as follows:
Overweight 25-29.9
Adiposity level 1 (mild obesity) 30-34.9
Adiposity level 2 (Obesity mean) 35-39.9
Adiposity level 3 (morbid obesity)> 40
The weight itself is not the most important factor, but adipose tissue, ie the percentage of fat accumulated in the body. For this reason, we discuss the importance of BMI as an indicator of appropriate weight of each person, since the percentage of fat, waist / hip index (CCI) and waist circumference are becoming increasingly important.
Formerly overweight was determined by the Broca index. First, we calculate the ideal weight of a person according to his stature. From the difference between actual weight and ideal weight was diagnosed overweight or underweight.
Today, nutritionists, the most reliable method to assess the risks that being overweight causes health is to measure waist circumference. Scientific studies have determined that the accumulated fat in the abdominal area is directly related to cardiovascular disease. The easiest way to determine the amount of fat accumulated in the abdominal area is to measure waist circumference. Having a waist circumference of more than 88 cm for women and more than 102 cm in men represents a high risk of cardiovascular disease.
Being overweight is considered a disease, as it not only affects the body but also social health of the patient. Overweight is a risk factor for diabetes mellitus for the hipertención for strokes among others.
The term overweight indicates an excess of weight relative to height. Specifically refers to preadiposas cells, as opposed to fat cells, ie, obesity.
How to identify overweight
According to (WHO), overweight implies a body mass index (BMI) equal to or greater than 25. These indexes are divided as follows:
Overweight 25-29.9
Adiposity level 1 (mild obesity) 30-34.9
Adiposity level 2 (Obesity mean) 35-39.9
Adiposity level 3 (morbid obesity)> 40
The weight itself is not the most important factor, but adipose tissue, ie the percentage of fat accumulated in the body. For this reason, we discuss the importance of BMI as an indicator of appropriate weight of each person, since the percentage of fat, waist / hip index (CCI) and waist circumference are becoming increasingly important.
Formerly overweight was determined by the Broca index. First, we calculate the ideal weight of a person according to his stature. From the difference between actual weight and ideal weight was diagnosed overweight or underweight.
Today, nutritionists, the most reliable method to assess the risks that being overweight causes health is to measure waist circumference. Scientific studies have determined that the accumulated fat in the abdominal area is directly related to cardiovascular disease. The easiest way to determine the amount of fat accumulated in the abdominal area is to measure waist circumference. Having a waist circumference of more than 88 cm for women and more than 102 cm in men represents a high risk of cardiovascular disease.
Being overweight is considered a disease, as it not only affects the body but also social health of the patient. Overweight is a risk factor for diabetes mellitus for the hipertención for strokes among others.

The main causes are:
1. Genetic factors and changes in metabolism.
2. Excessive and improper feeding associated with lack of exercise (low energy expenditure).
3. The eating disorders (anxiety).
4. Metabolism too slow
Most cases of overweight is located in industrialized countries, where food is plentiful and most of the population performs work that requires no great physical effort.
Childhood overweight
One problem that the WHO has dismissed as alarming is the children being overweight, poor nutrition and excessive linked to lack of exercise leads to a vicious circle of concern. In many cases parents neglect their children or are a bad example for them and, as a result, children spend many hours at the computer or TV and eat fast food. A person who in childhood did not lead a healthy life, have difficulty changing their habits as an adult. This inevitably leads to overfeeding with all its terrible consequences.
Although medical facilities and schools offer courses to teach families healthy lifestyles, the incidence of overweight children is increasing, as evidenced by a recent study by the Robert Koch Institute. Anorexia is an eating disorder that involves a loss of weight caused by the patient himself and leads to a state of starvation. Anorexia is characterized by fear of gaining weight, and a distorted perception of one's body and delusional that makes the patient look fat even when their weight is below the recommended. Thus begins a progressive decrease in weight by fasting and reduced food intake.
Usually begins with the elimination of carbohydrates, as there is a false belief that fat. Then rejects the fats, proteins and even liquids, leading to cases of extreme dehydration. In such drastic measures you can add other behaviors associated with the use of diuretics, laxatives, purging, induced vomiting or excessive exercise. People can lose from 15 to 50 percent in the most critical of their body weight .. This disease is often associated with severe psychological disorders that cause changes in behavior, emotional behavior and style.
Medical Interpreting
Being overweight is associated primarily with diabetes, hypertension, arthritis and heart disease, but questioned whether it posed a health risk or, conversely, this only occurs with obesity (BMI at or above 30) . However, there are indications that not only the level of overweight affects the risk of cardiac and circulatory diseases, but also influences where they accumulate excess adipose tissue (waist / hip). In 2005, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) found that a high volume of abdominal fat is a key criterion in diagnosing metabolic syndrome.
An overweight person might suffer excessive pain in the joints and bones due to mechanical loading.
Being overweight impairs fertility in fact, have increased more than 9 kg in a 10% chance of being sterile.
The main causes are:
1. Genetic factors and changes in metabolism.
2. Excessive and improper feeding associated with lack of exercise (low energy expenditure).
3. The eating disorders (anxiety).
4. Metabolism too slow
Most cases of overweight is located in industrialized countries, where food is plentiful and most of the population performs work that requires no great physical effort.
Childhood overweight
One problem that the WHO has dismissed as alarming is the children being overweight, poor nutrition and excessive linked to lack of exercise leads to a vicious circle of concern. In many cases parents neglect their children or are a bad example for them and, as a result, children spend many hours at the computer or TV and eat fast food. A person who in childhood did not lead a healthy life, have difficulty changing their habits as an adult. This inevitably leads to overfeeding with all its terrible consequences.
Although medical facilities and schools offer courses to teach families healthy lifestyles, the incidence of overweight children is increasing, as evidenced by a recent study by the Robert Koch Institute. Anorexia is an eating disorder that involves a loss of weight caused by the patient himself and leads to a state of starvation. Anorexia is characterized by fear of gaining weight, and a distorted perception of one's body and delusional that makes the patient look fat even when their weight is below the recommended. Thus begins a progressive decrease in weight by fasting and reduced food intake.
Usually begins with the elimination of carbohydrates, as there is a false belief that fat. Then rejects the fats, proteins and even liquids, leading to cases of extreme dehydration. In such drastic measures you can add other behaviors associated with the use of diuretics, laxatives, purging, induced vomiting or excessive exercise. People can lose from 15 to 50 percent in the most critical of their body weight .. This disease is often associated with severe psychological disorders that cause changes in behavior, emotional behavior and style.
Medical Interpreting
Being overweight is associated primarily with diabetes, hypertension, arthritis and heart disease, but questioned whether it posed a health risk or, conversely, this only occurs with obesity (BMI at or above 30) . However, there are indications that not only the level of overweight affects the risk of cardiac and circulatory diseases, but also influences where they accumulate excess adipose tissue (waist / hip). In 2005, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) found that a high volume of abdominal fat is a key criterion in diagnosing metabolic syndrome.
An overweight person might suffer excessive pain in the joints and bones due to mechanical loading.
Being overweight impairs fertility in fact, have increased more than 9 kg in a 10% chance of being sterile.
Anti overweight
In industrialized countries, overweight is widespread and is perceived as unattractive because of the current standards of beauty. Today, books, magazines, television programs and web pages we provide information to battle the bulge in the most appropriate, though not always handled the qualifications of the people who address this issue. The most common recommendations are sports and a healthy diet, although the authors do not agree when determining the most appropriate diet. In addition, critics claim that a diet without medical supervision has worse consequences than having a slight overweight.
Mainly in cases of severe obesity, are taking medication to decrease the absorption of fat or surgical procedures are performed either to decrease body fat or to reduce the stomach. Especially in the fashion and entertainment where image plays a big role, is increasingly practiced cosmetic surgery, both in cases of mild overweight and in cases where, even with a normal weight people concerned did not feel good about your body.
When overweight is accompanied by an eating disorder such as binge eating, drugs to combat it will not work if at the same time the problem is not from a psychological perspective. We recommend attending group therapy as could be to Overeaters Anonymous.
to take care of overweight I recommend eating a balanced diet.
Definitions and limit values
Today, and formerly, experts do not agree to determining the exact limits of overweight. However, all agree that from a certain margin, the first consequences arise. According to a study conducted in Israel, men with mild overweight (BMI from 25 to 27) have longer life expectancy than those with more than 27 overweight or extreme thinness. From this study, 10,000 men over 40 years, researchers concluded that the limit value so far for overweight, ie body mass index should be expanded.
In industrialized countries, overweight is widespread and is perceived as unattractive because of the current standards of beauty. Today, books, magazines, television programs and web pages we provide information to battle the bulge in the most appropriate, though not always handled the qualifications of the people who address this issue. The most common recommendations are sports and a healthy diet, although the authors do not agree when determining the most appropriate diet. In addition, critics claim that a diet without medical supervision has worse consequences than having a slight overweight.
Mainly in cases of severe obesity, are taking medication to decrease the absorption of fat or surgical procedures are performed either to decrease body fat or to reduce the stomach. Especially in the fashion and entertainment where image plays a big role, is increasingly practiced cosmetic surgery, both in cases of mild overweight and in cases where, even with a normal weight people concerned did not feel good about your body.
When overweight is accompanied by an eating disorder such as binge eating, drugs to combat it will not work if at the same time the problem is not from a psychological perspective. We recommend attending group therapy as could be to Overeaters Anonymous.
to take care of overweight I recommend eating a balanced diet.
Definitions and limit values
Today, and formerly, experts do not agree to determining the exact limits of overweight. However, all agree that from a certain margin, the first consequences arise. According to a study conducted in Israel, men with mild overweight (BMI from 25 to 27) have longer life expectancy than those with more than 27 overweight or extreme thinness. From this study, 10,000 men over 40 years, researchers concluded that the limit value so far for overweight, ie body mass index should be expanded.
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