Eye exams are important regularly to check for any kind of problems in the eye. Regular eye exams are crucial in detecting conditions like glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataract, and diabetic retinopathy. Everyone needs an eye exam. Family history affects the conditions of the eye so it is better to have it on a regular basis.
Children should be examined when they are 6 months, three years and before they reach the First Grade. Adults should see the eye doctor every two years. If the elders are 60 years of age, then they should have an eye exam every year.
An eye problem could be any problem of the eye. Squinting, rubbing their eyes and sitting very near the television could cause problems of the eye. You should watch out for symptoms, as it is not always you get to know if the child is seeing properly or not. Doctors usually recommend an eye exam if you have a health condition that lead to such problems.
These conditions could be blood pressure, diabetes etc. You could be working in a job that is very visually demanding. At times, you could take medication that could affect your eyesight. There are many ways you could prepare for an Eye Exam
Always make sure that you have an appointment for the eye exam. Describe your problems very clearly what problems you are facing. Make a list of the questions you have to ask the eye doctor. Also, give a list of the drugs you take and give the doctor your complete medical history.
If you are using contact lenses or glasses, make sure you carry them along. Your eyes need your care and caution so make sure that you have your glasses and contact lenses wherever you go. Your pupils will be dilated during the exam so ensure that your lenses and glasses are there with you to give you comfort.
A certain process takes place during the eye exam. The eye doctor will take your total history. The exam will take around half an hour and it will take care of your vision and your eye health. There will be an eye muscle movement test, cover test, external exam and papillary reaction test, visual acuity test and retinoscopy.