Every year most of the people keep a resolution to reduce their weight. But at least 20% of them are not achieving it. There are few tips to reduce the weight.
The main reason for not getting weight reduced is not giving importance to calories. Many of the people feel that they ate small samosa so no problem. But for having a small sweet they think a lot. Though the samosa is small it may contain more calories. So to reduce the calories there is one method that is try to include about the food which you eat like sweets, chocolates, biscuits in your food dairy. Due to this, you will know what mistakes you are doing in reducing weight.
When we have food in home then we can know how much amount of food we are taking daily. But if you take food in restaurants, you need to have huge amount of food. Moreover we may feel that we are spending more money and we should not waste the food, though your stomach is full but still we eat. This is the reason for getting more calories in our body. That’s why the food which we eat in house is healthy one and the usage of salt & spices used will be in limit.
Having food when you are feeling hungry only is not at all good. Having no enough sleep is also a reason for increasing weight. People who sleep less than 6 hours, in them the hungry hormones show more effect. Due this we feel more hunger and feel to have carbohydrates & junk food. So with a good sleep we look good and healthy with balanced weight.