We have to feed our kids very careful as they are very soft and delicate. Let us know to feed them according to their age levels.
0-6 months:
First 6 months , the baby should be feeded with mothers milk. That is only good and strong to baby health. The vitamins , proteins present in that milk helps baby be healthy and strong. It mostly helps in baby growth. In first 6months the baby should increase the weight upto 600grams to 1kg. Then only baby seems to be healthy.
6months to 1 year:
From 6th month , we should feed babies with the food items which are easily digestable. Feed your baby with all kinds of fruits and vegetables by making them bit soft . From 6th month , if the baby weight get increase from 400g to 600g then the baby seems to be healthy.
1-2 years:
when the baby becomes one year and more then baby takes less food , at that time we should feed them how much they eat, but not much .This is the main age level to get fixed for food habits. So we need to feed them all kinds of vegetables. so try to feed calcium much like milk and curd.
4-6 years:
The kids of this age should need 1600 calories strength perday. They should take 2 glasses of milk. They should take 2 glasses of milk . They can eat all kinds of food.
The children of this should take food of 2000 calories. When they cross the age of 10years, the growth in them increases very fastso proteins , calcium and vitamins much contained food should be given to them.
Therefore, we should take care of our children alot , especially while feeding with best vitamins minerals and proteins food of best calories . We habituate them having best caloried vitamin food which is good for their growth and health in the futre.