chemotherapy (treatment with cell death or cell division inhibitory drugs);
irradiation (radiotherapy);
supportive therapy.
In patients with multiple myeloma who are younger than 65 years, is trying to use a heavy treatment with cytostatics and a stem cell disease long term reduction. The cell is presented below.
To date, it is generally not possible to patients with multiple myeloma or Waldenström's disease cure. This is why chemotherapy tried the disease as much as possible to reduce and deal with complaints whenever necessary.
Chemotherapy is the treatment of cancer cell death or cell division inhibitory drugs: cytostatics. There are different types of cytostatics, each with its own force. The drugs can be administered in various ways, for example, by infusion, as tablet or injection.
Through the blood spread, through your body and can reach almost all cancer sites.
Often, different combinations of drugs given.
Chemotherapy in this type of cancer (part of) a curative treatment.
Patients older than 65 years
In the treatment of patients with multiple myeloma who are older than 65 years, is usually a relatively mild form of chemotherapy given. These courses usually consist of a combination of a cytostaticum in tablet and prednisone. The courses depending on your condition at intervals of four to six weeks. Usually some of these treatments until the disease is sufficiently reduced. After a period without treatment.
Treatment is resumed if symptoms occur again.
Besides cytostatic prednisone is often used. These are hormones that support the operation of cytostatics. The use of prednisone can you feel better. There can be side effects such as agitation, insomnia and a bloated face.
After stopping prednisone can be a temporary setback occur. In a setback to the dose at the end of the course gradually reduced. This is called uitsluipen 'said.
Patients younger than 65 years
Patients with multiple myeloma who are younger than 65 years in general at the beginning of the chemotherapy treatment. The cytostatic be once per month for four consecutive days per infusion administered in combination with prednisone. In total, this three to four times. These courses usually in preparation for a major cytostatic treatment followed by a stem cell.
The treatments are aimed at achieving remission (= reduction of the disease). On the basis of, inter alia, the m-protein levels in the blood, whether or absence of anemia and botafwijkingen, and any deviations from another blood test to emerge, is determined to what extent the treatment is successful.
If the disease returns or if the treatment is not the desired effect, a combination of other types of cytostatics are considered.
Even in patients with Waldenström's disease, in addition to a relatively mild form of chemotherapy, treatment with combinations of different types of cytostatics.
Side effects
Cytostatics next attack healthy cells to cancer cells also. This unpleasant side effects may occur, for example:
increased risk of infection;
Acute nausea and vomiting are usually fighting with medication. The side effects usually decrease gradually after cytostatics administration is terminated. Fatigue after treatment may still long.
Or you get adverse reactions depends, inter alia, the types and quantities of cytostatic you get.
Irradiation (radiotherapy)
Radiotherapy is a local treatment to destroy cancer cells while healthy cells remain spared as much as possible. Cancer cells tolerated radiation worse than healthy cells and repair themselves less well. Healthy cells are generally recover well.
The radiation from a radiation device. The treatment area outside - by the skin outward - irradiated. The radio therapist ensures that the radiation beam accurately and that the surrounding healthy tissue as much as possible outside the irradiation field remains.
In general, a radiation treatment lasts several weeks and has four or five times a week. In that period you will receive at a time over several minutes, a dose of radiation. For irradiation is usually no hospitalization required.
Radiotherapy is often given in multiple myeloma by acting on bone pain. Patients with Waldenström's disease is almost never given irradiation.
Patients with a solitary pool Macy bridle are often only advised radiotherapy. This is possible because the solitary lake Macy check a local condition, with radiotherapy to treat. Generally takes an irradiation treatment in a solitary bridle Macy puddle a few weeks and has four to five times per week. In that period you will receive each day for a few minutes a small dose of radiation.
Side effects
Irradiation damage not only cancer cells but healthy cells in the irradiated area. The side effects you can expect depends on the irradiated area, the radiation dose and technique. In general, patients during and after the irradiation period of lifeless burden and fatigue.
Most complaints usually several weeks after treatment. Some people, however, continued long after their treatment that they are more tired than before their illness.
The radiation department, you get targeted advice for as little as possible to have side effects.
Waiver of treatment
It may happen that you or your doctor the impression that the tax or the possible adverse effects or consequences of treatment (more) outweigh the expected results.
If you are unsure of the meaning of (further) treatment, discuss this openly in your specialist or general practitioner. Everyone has the right to refrain from (further) treatment.
Your doctor will give you the necessary medical care and counseling continue to avoid the consequences of your illness as much as possible.