1)1 med. cauliflower
2)150 gms. carrot
3)150 gms. turnip
4)50 gms garlic
5)2 tbsp mustard oil
6)2 tsp salt
7)2 tsp red chilli powder
8)1 tsp garam masala
9)a pinch of asafoetida
10)3 tsp jaggery
11)2 tsp tamarind
12)1/4 cup vinegar
1)Wah,peel and cut vegetables.In a microwave safe bowl steam all vegetables in 1/2 cup water at 100% power for 3-4 mins. Allow to stand, covered for 5 mins.
2) In another microwave safe bowl add oil & microwave at 100% power for 30 secs.
3) Add crushed galic, salt and turmeric,Microwave at 100% power for 2 mins.
4) Add crushed jaggery, vinegar, tamarind pulp,asafoetida and microwave for 2 mins. at 100% power ,Store in air tight jar when cool.