"An apple a day can help you stay healthy course of life" - is one of the most common axioms in the English-speaking countries. And all because the apples were among the first foods that health professionals have defined as food that is useful for health. The benefits of these become apparent when - in fact it is quite simple - the doctors have found that people who like the apples to eat, had much less ill than those who did not. To date, we have a better understanding of the question, why apples are so beneficial to health in general.
Apples control cholesterol and can help lower your levels of "bad" cholesterol and hold it at the right stages. Pectin contained in apples, helps you maintain the health of the cardiovascular system and reduce LDL cholesterol (low density lipoprotein, which is the "bad"). By themselves, the apples control cholesterol in your body and your diet will not add: they are full of water and fiber, and these should help you to fight with cholesterol from other foods you may be consuming during the day. People, who eat two apples a day, have a chance to lower their cholesterol by sixteen percent.
If you are facing any problem with cholesterol then along with the introduction of apples in the diet, you need to reduce overall cholesterol intake to 300 mg per 24 hours, with more serious problems - up to 200mg. Moreover, an apple not only lowers the cholesterol levels but also serves you as fresh food. A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar obtained from raw apples in the morning before breakfast helps us to a great extent. You can take half an apple, cut into small pieces and then add it to hot cereals. You can make apple smooth in blender.
It is also a good thing to have a piece of apple between meals. Controlling weight by nature, apples are low in calories, contains a lot of nutrients and plenty of water, about which we have already mentioned. Eating an apple, you can satisfy your hunger and keep away from snack options with a significant amount of calories and sugar. Also by eating apples, you will be able to maintain your weight more easily, because they fill your stomach, provide energy and have the potential to prevent eating junk food very often which contributes to an increase in your waistline.
A little sodium in apples, contributes to weight loss. A small apple contains fifty five calories, and in a day, you can have as much as you want, provided that the number of calories from apples also "fit" into the selected dietary intake. As regards vitamins and minerals, apples contain a decent amount of boron, which helps your body build healthy bones, as well as able to prevent the onslaught of diseases such as arthritis - among others. Apple also contains floretin-glucoside, a flavonoid known for its ability to increase the bone density. And, of course, apples are rich in vitamin C too.
Vitamin C is known for its important role in strengthening the immune system and so the ability to prevent cancer. Numerous studies have shown that apples can reduce the chance of manifestations of breast cancer, colon cancer and liver cancer. One theory is that the skin of apples is responsible for it and so, do not forget to clean the apples and also before eating the skin of apples should not be peeled, because if you do so, you may remove one of the most useful components from it. In fact, the benefits of apple peel were known to our grandmothers.
Grandmothers, those days, always swore to the grandchildren when they were asked to clean their much loved apple. According to a study, apples help in the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases and can also help reduce the chance or delay the manifestation of the problem, and the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer or Parkinsons. Antioxidants are prevalent in apples, from which, by the way, just by not removing the skin or outer layer, we can have the highest amount of mineral properties, and this prevents the overflow of body toxins that accumulate in the nerve cells due to stress.
(copyscape passed)