Actually Ghee is mostly used south Asia that is in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan. In most of the Indian languages we call ghee as ghee only. In telugu we call it as neyya.
The process of preparing Ghee:
Ghee is prepared by boiling and melting butter which is taken from the milk. The butter should boil on high heat. When the color of the butter changes to yellow pale color then it mean that ghee is prepared. Then we need to reduce the flame to low heat. After the completion of ghee exacting from butter by boiling we need to filter the ghee. Therefore, the ghee will be in golden yellow in color.
How to store ghee:
Ghee should be stored in air tight tin or bottle so that it does not get oxidation and will be away from moisture. There is no necessary to store it in the refrigerator. Ghee stays as it is, for more duration of time.
Sources of ghee:
Actually ghee is a milk product which we have extracted from butter and butter is extracted from milk. But the main source of ghee is cow and buffalo. Most of the people feel that source of ghee is milk. But it is not correct.
Usage of ghee for religious purpose:
Most of the Hindu religion people use ghee in their prayers. But they feel the cow ghee is holyone and they use it for lighting lamps for their holy activities of god. They use ghee in most of the occasions like marriage, funerals and in bathing Gods statue (Abhishek). It is also used as an ingredient in panchamruth which is offered to the gods and in most of the homas also ghee is offered.
Usage of ghee while Cooking and having with food:
In most of the Indian dishes we use ghee. The dishes like dal rice with ghee, we fry dosas and chapati’s with ghee, We even take food combination with the ghee that is dosa with ghee, idly with ghee, buri (south Indian traditional sweet) with ghee, In making of sweets we mix ghee like masoorpak, ladu, kheer, halva so therefore, most of the sweets are made of ghee.But it is high calorie contained one.
Ghee Used as remedies for some health problems:
While having warm food, if we add little ghee then the taste of the food will be amazing. When we see a sweet made of ghee our mouth start watering. The taste and smell of ghee is awesome. But every one cannot have it. We need take ghee according to our age and our body condition. Ghee contains many medication characteristics. It provides enough calcium to us. Milk products and Milk may not be suitable for some people body. So such people can have ghee which contains Laktoz content. The vitamins which are available in ghee help in curing the cancer by fighting with cancer causing cells. The waste from liver and throat will go out of the body.
There is no guarantee that people who take ghee may suffer with cholesterol, actually that depends up on the body condition so cholesterol may be caused and may not be caused. The people who is suffering from cholesterol problem is advised to take less ghee therefore their cholesterol also will be in control and their desire of eating ghee will fulfilled.
For every 100gms of buffalo ghee, 25g fat exists and in cow ghee 280gms fat exists. Sometime, the increment of fat in our body is may not be only ghee. There may be other reasons like health change and food items effects. Ghee is good for the health of the people who are weak and less strengthens. This gives a special glow to our skin. The memory will be active. Most of the doctors suggest Ghee as medicine for the people who are suffering from psychological problems. The food which we have with ghee will digest very easily as ghee helps a lot in the digestion process.
If you are not feeling hunger then mix pepper powder and ghee then take it. You feel hunger in few minutes. Children should be feed with the food which contains ghee as it helps in growth and strengthening of the bones. If we mix one spoon of ghee in a glass of milk and feed this mixture to your children then it will be more helpful for the growth of them. In the banana puree if we mix some milk and little ghee. Then give this mixture to children so that their organs get strengthen and they put on weight.
The people who are suffering from dry skin, eczema and psoriasis. They should take the mixture of ¼ spoon neam seeds powder and ¼ spoon of ghee with food so that there will be some releaf to them. Ghee is good for skin. When we apply ghee on the burns then burns spot wont remain on the skin and moreover they get heal soon. Some people suffer from nose bleeding; we need to drop 4 drops of ghee in their nose so that the bleeding will stop immediately.
By applying ghee and make bath to a baby then the skin of the baby will be smoother. People who are suffering from Tuberculosis, fever and motions. We can even apply ghee to our lips so that it keeps our lips smooth and protect them from getting dry. Instead of using lipgels and bams. Ghee is the best one to protect our lips.
Ghee is also used in many ayurvedic medicines and ghee has high healing properties in it.
Problem with ghee consumption:
Ghee may be suitable to some people and may not suitable to some people. For people whoever it is not suitable if they take it then they will get pimples on their face. This mostly seen in oily skinned people. Consuming more ghee is also dangerous to us as it settles as a fat in our body and finally leads to high health problems which may take you till surgeries. As ghee provides us enough calcium so due to over consumption of ghee, the extra growthage of bones will occur in our body which make our movement bit unfortable. The fat which is settled in our body mostly reach heart and makes the heart weak therefore, finally it leads to heart attach.The accumulation of fat which is due to ghee may even lead to paralysis also.
Old people should avoid having ghee.
Therefore, we should take ghee as it has very good qualites which are specified above but we should take it in limited quantity