Recently, I had been part of a Yoga camp in our city of joy, Kolkata. There I have learned the secrets of healthy living by our beloved Swami ji who was heading the camp. It is a fact that in our day to day lives we neglect our health by consuming foods which doesn't do any good to our health. Our swami ji enlightened us on how our regular should be if we want to live a hale and hearty life.

According to Swami ji, food in divided into two categories namely pure food and impure food. He advised us to stay away as much as possible from the consumption of impure foods. He told us that all the non-vegetarian food items are impure food and we should live on pure food which are not only good for our health but also provides us with enormous strength and power by increasing our immunity level to fight against diseases and germs. We should consume those foods on a regular basis which are available from nature naturally.
Swami ji recommends us to take a glassful of water after getting up early in the morning. If possible we should mix honey with it. Next, we can take gourd's juice or carrot which are overall beneficial for our health.This juice is very effective for growing children. Moreover, one can also take peas, cucumber, tomato and carrot.
Many of us have the false notion that if we take food several times a day it will benefit us but the fact is quite different from this. Swami told us that he himself takes food twice in a day and thereby maintains a healthy and balance life. He instructed us not to take food more than thrice in a day. He believes in the theory that eating too much food harms us and we should eat food only to a certain level which may vary from individual to individual.
It is important to mention here that in our lunch we should have plenty of green vegetables like gourd, cabbage, peas,lettuce etc together with rice, chapatis and dals. Moreover, we should not have our dinner too late at night and we should take sufficient amount of vegetables in our dinner too. After dinner we should take some amount of milk on daily basis.
There is a rule of drinking water after having our meals but we should know when should we drink water after having our regular meals. It is always advisable to drink water in plenty but not during the time of eating. We should drink water after a gap of thirty minutes or so after having our lunch or dinner. Instead of cold, colored and water sealed in bottles we should drink lassi, lemon water etc. We should give up the habit of smoking, drinking alcohol and chewing pan masalas at once if we want a longer life.
I came to know that Swami ji often speaks and instructs people suffering from diabetes, blood pressure and diabetes and many are benefited by his instructions and suggestions. He says that apart from regular yoga and physical activities one should also be keen enough to follow a strict diet chart to have a control on these acute problems.

It is a fact that to keep diabetes under control one needs to be careful about the type of food one consumes on a regular basis. A diabetic patient should have salads and pulses regularly in their diets. These kind of patients should go through a controlled diet and work hard and sweat out. Raw papaya, tomatoes, cucumber and bitter gourd are some of the vegetables that are recommended for such kind of patients. Among fruits pineapples, lemon and black berry are must for them. To have a control on their blood sugar level they should drink juices of bitter gourd, tomatoes, cucumber and neem leaves for at least seven days. Hence, if we keep an eye on our regular diet we would be able to keep diabetes under control very easily.
Blood Pressure.

Today, blood pressure related problems are on the rise and therefore we need to be very careful with the kind of food we take on regular basis. In the morning when we get up early our stomach remains empty and if we could drink one cup of gourd's juice it will act as a medicine in blood pressure. But for those who are suffering from high blood pressure it is recommended that they should avoid ghee, butter, meat, salt, sugar, spices etc. Besides, to get relieved from high blood pressure one should avoid alcohol, smoking and tobacco. Efforts should be taken to avoid strong beverages like tea and coffee. It is recommended to include orange, onion, soybean curd in their diets.
Joint Pain.

Now-a-days, many of us suffer from joint pains. To get away with this we should include certain food items in our diets. In the morning we should take water mixed with methi powder and it will definitely provide us some relief from this kind of pain. Besides, we can take garlic also and if we chew two pieces of garlic and then drink one cup of cow milk we would get a whole lot of relief from this problem. Besides, if we take sour curd's lassi together with ginger powder and four pieces of garlic we can realize the difference. Another thing that we can do is to add a few tulsi leaves in the drinking water and we will feel much better after drinking it.
Heart Problem.

Together with a wide range of social problems heart related problems are also on the rise these days and the most effective way to deal with it is to drink gourd's juice. If only we can take gourd's juice with tulsi and pudina in an empty stomach then only the result will be very positive without any question whatsoever. Besides, those who have heart related problems should avoid foods which are rich in oils and fats and spices.
To stop the growth of extra fats within our body, we should take one cup of hot water and mix it with lemon juice and two spoonful of honey and drink it early in the morning when our tummy is empty. People suffering from this disease should include salads of green vegetables regularly in their diets and avoid sweets.
Breathing Problem.

We know that physical activities like yoga and aerobics are important for breathing problems and we should move a bit further to avoid reckless food habits or over eating. It is advisable for such patients to drink warm water during winter and monsoon. Pure mustard oil should be mixed with sugarcane jaggery and taken regularly to get a cure from the disease. Cold drinks and cold waters should be strictly avoided in such cases.
Breathing problem is very much related with coughing and changing of seasons. To get rid from this one should take honey and chyawanprash on a regular basis. If one could mix pure ghee with honey and ajwain and take the initiative of taking it two to three times in a day then not only it will help in curbing down the cough but eliminating it from our body. People who are suffering from breathing and cough related problem needs to keep their tummy clean. To do so they can take the help of a husk called Isabgol mixed with water regularly before going to bed.

Why do people vomit? Well, there are several reasons related with it. The problem seems to be worse when they are out of their house. Those who have this problem can keep a clove in their mouth. If we mix tulsi leaves, ginger, and elachi in the form of a paste and take it then it would help us from vomiting. Besides, we can cut green lemon into pieces and spread some black pepper powder on it and suck it to avoid vomiting. Those who feel like vomiting while travelling in a bus and car they should keep oranges and lemon along with them.
Indigestion and Acidity.

To get rid of indigestion one needs to drink one full cup of gourd's juice in an empty stomach. To get relief from acidity, slight warm water should be taken. Take a small amount of asafoetida(hing) in water and drink the mixture to rid from indigestion. It is worthwhile to mention here that indigestion and acidity are very much related with bad irregular food habits and one should avoid consuming such foods. If once in a week we could live on fruits it is much better but your fruit chart should constitute the following fruits like pomegranate(anar/bedana)juice, sweet lime or mosambi, grapes, cucumber etc. Avoid eating apples and bananas on that particular day.
Eye sight Problem.

Now-a-days, we can see even young people are suffering from eye sight problems. Lassi plays an important role in keeping our eye sight healthy. Boil water with neem leaves and let it cool down before washing your eyes with the water. Make it a habit to wash your eyes with cold water regularly at least twice in a day. Consume carrots, oranges, tomatoes and ripe papayas to keep your eye sight healthy.

Everyone of us dream of white dazzling teeth which could add a great value to our personality and look. If we mix honey with vinegar and massage the roots and gums of our teeth it will make out teeth stronger and will stop the problem of shaking of our teeth. Besides, if we brush our teeth with honey it will repair any blister in the gum of our mouth.
To be mothers.

Those who are expecting babies should drink a lot of milk. They can drink cold milk initially but as the day progresses warm milk should be taken. It is advisable for them in the morning to take cashew nuts and raisins along with milk as it will provide them with some inner strength. Salads with green vegetables is a must with lunch. Later on in the day, a glass of lassi will help them in keeping good health. Besides, ripe papayas, oranges, sweet lime, bananas should also be taken regularly. A light dinner is recommended and it should be kept in mind that it should be taken late at night.
The have written about the things I came to know from Swami ji. I think these are really very handy and easy to follow by us if we want to led a healthy and balanced life. Further, he told us that to remain healthy the key is to do some physical activities with proper food habits which will never be erased from my mind. I have started my journey towards a healthy and balanced life and I too hope that you too would love to move ahead and take your step forward towards a healthy living as early as possible.